§13-1 概述(Introduction) §13-2 杆件变形能的计算( Calculation of strain energy for various types of loading ) §13-3 互等定理(Reciprocal theorems) §13-4 单位荷载法 • 莫尔定理(Unit-load method & mohr’s theorem) §13-5 卡氏定理(Castigliano’s Theorem) §13-6 计算莫尔积分的图乘法 (The method of moment areas for mohr’s integration)
13-1概述(Introduction) 13-2杆件变形能的计算( Calculation of strain energy for various types of loading 13-3互等定理(Reciprocal theorems) 13-4单位荷载法·莫尔定理(Unit-load method mohr's theorem) 13-5卡氏定理(Castigliano's' Theorem) 13-6计算莫尔积分的图乘法(The meth od of moment areas for mohr's integration)