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《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》课程教学资源(经典文献)The Geography of Bidder Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Credit Markets
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《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》课程教学资源(经典文献)Learning in the Credit Card Market
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《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》课程教学资源(经典文献)Subprime Consumer Credit Demand_Evidence from a Lender’s Pricing Experiment
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《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》课程教学资源(经典文献)The Failure of Competition in the Credit Card Market
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《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》课程教学资源(经典文献)Liquidity Constraints and Imperfect Information in Subprime Lending
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《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》课程教学资源(经典文献)The Market for Lemons_Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism
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10.1 The Regulation of Markets and Institutions Financial system is one of most intensely regulated sectors of the U.S economy
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1 现金贷的定义 2 现金贷的兴起与现状 3 现金贷的问题 4 现金贷的监管
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概念界定 案例解读 类型比较 原因分析 发展状况 突出特征
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复旦大学:《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》教学资源(课堂展示PPT)联邦住房管理局 FHA
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