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Chapter 2 The Particle in a Box 2.1 Differential Equations (linear) A (x)+An-(x)y (n-1) +…+Ay=g(x)
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1、矩阵的定义 形数表,称为数域F中的一个m×n矩阵. 由数域F中的m×n个数 排成的m行n列的矩 ij a
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#include void insert (int s[],int x,int *pn) void main() { int a[10]={10,7,5,2}; int x,i,n=4; scanf(\%d\,&x);
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Discrete-Time Systems A discrete-time system processes a given input sequence x[] to generates an output sequencey[n] with more desirable properties In most applications, the discrete-time system is a single-input, single-output system:
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Karnaugh maps It is a matrix of squares. each square represent a minterm or maxterm from a Boolean equaTion N-variable karnaugh map have 2 squares The binary numeral on the sides of k-map is the variable coordinates
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Stability Condition in Terms of the Pole Locations A causal lti digital filter is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response h[n] is absolutely summable, i.e
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A 2-to-2.4-GHz differentially-tuned fractional-N frequency synthesizer for DVB tuner applications
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Sub-0.75°RMS-Phase-Error Differentially-Tuned Fractional-N Synthesizer with On-Chip LDO Regulator and Analog-Enhanced AFC Technique
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复旦大学:微电子工程教学资源(参考论文)A Sub-0.75°RMS-Phase-Error Differentially-Tuned Fractional-N Synthesizer with On-Chip LDO Regulator and Analog-Enhanced AFC Technique
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void swap(int*a, int*b) int x, y, printf(℃\请输入两个整数ⅹ和y:\) scanf(\%od%d\, &x, &y) printf\交换前x和y的值为:\) printf(x=%dy=%d\\n\x, y);
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