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Keynes简化的线性函数形式为: Y=a+by Keynes提出其理论是在三十年代,当时 他主要是以个人的偶然的观察为依据 3五十年代后,经济学家为了检验这个假 说,对实际统计资料进行统计分析,在 此基础上总结出了几种新的消费函数形 式,相应提出了各种有关消费的假说
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标量函数场的梯度公式:若某一标量场的函数关系已经确定,为=T(x,y,z), 那么如何确定标量场在域中任意点的梯度(假设该点坐标为P(x,y,z)) 在P(x,y,z)点附近任意点P(x,y,z2)的标量场为V(x,y,),则两点标量场值差 可由泰勒展开为:
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Major US Airline Year 2000 Operating Costs Cost per ASM=9. Aircraft Fuel 13% Engine Maint. Material &OSR 2% Engine Ownership Salaries
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Rellablllty of semiconductor I CS plus spin-based electronics 6. 12J/3.155J Microelectronic processing Read Campbell, p. 425-428 and Ch. 20 Sec. 20.1, 20.2: Plummer, Sec. 11.5.6 IC reliability: Yield=( operating parts)/(total# produced) Particles on surface interrupt depositions, flaw devices
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解析延拓:将解析函数定义域加以扩大 一、解析延拓的一个例子 幂级数:1+z+z2+…在以z=0为圆心的单位圆内代表一个
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3-1一台四极直流电机,元件数S=120,每元件电阻为0.2,当转速为1000r/min时,每元件的平 均电动势为10V。求当电枢绕组分别为单叠和单波时,正负电刷间的电压U和电枢绕组电阻R各 为多少?
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The expectation or expected value of a random variable is a single number that tells you a lot about the behavior of the variable. Roughly, the expectation is the average value, where each value is weighted according to the probability that it comes up. Formally, the expected value of a random variable r defined on a sample space s is: (B)=∑R()Pr(o) To appreciate its signficance, suppose S is the set of students in a class, and we select a student uniformly at random. Let r be the selected student's exam score. Then
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Why do you believe that 3+3=6? Is it because your second-grade teacher, Miss Dalrymple, told you so? She might have been lying, you know Or are you trusting life experience? If you have three coconuts and someone gives you three more coconuts, then you have--ahal--six coconuts. But if that is the true basis for your belief, then why do you also believe that
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In this example, the domain is the set fa,b, c, d, el and the range is the set Y= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5/. Related elements are joined by an arrow. This relation is a function because every element on the left is related to exactly one element on the right. In graph-theoretic
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Problem set 1 Solutions Due: Monday February 7 at 9 PM Problem 1. The connectives A(and), V(or), and =(implies)come often not only in com uter programs, but also everyday speech. But devices that compute the nand operation
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