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1、掌握心力衰竭的基本病因、诱因和病理生理特征。 2、掌握心力衰竭的临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断。 3、掌握心力衰竭的治疗原则
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What is rA? Y RA is a chronic polyarticular inf lammatory arthritis that involves not only small joints of the hands and feet but also systemic organs Y Pathologic change: chronic synovitis with pannus (IfL
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一、概念 二、源流 三、证候特征 四、病因病机 五、诊断与鉴别诊断 六、辨证论治
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Epidemiology 6th leading cause of death in U.S. Number one Among the infectious diseases 6 million patients annually in US Incidence 5~10/1,000/year Mortality in OPD patients 1-5 % but Inpatients 25%, ICU 50-60%
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Classification of diabetes(ADA -1997) Type 1 .(beta-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency) Autoimmune Idiopathic Type2 (may range from predominantly insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency to a predominantly secretory defect with or without insulin resistance)
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支气管哮喘 一个全球性的严重健康问题 全球哮喘患病率差异大:普遍规律:
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一、概述 原发性肾小球病的分类
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第一节、概述 1、定义:心脏电活动失出正常的规律性
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诊断标准 ①尿蛋白>359/d ②2血浆白蛋白低于30g/ ③水 ④血脂升高 其中①②为必备条件
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心肌病 定义:是指伴有心肌功能障碍的心肌疾病
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