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1 Pannell, C. W.(1990), China's Urban Geography, Progress in Human Geography 14(2),214-236 2周一星(1991),中国的城市地理学:评价和展望,《人文地理》,6(2),54—58
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通过本章的学习,了解一些主要的传播 模式与相关理论,如5W模式、把关人理论、 两级传播模式、受众选择“3S”论、议题设 置论等;同时,掌握一些主要的传播媒介知 识,如文字大众传媒、电子大众传媒、国际 互联网等,了解公共关系的基本手段
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1.()sn=(n的使用条件为 op a.等温过程; b.等熵过程; c,等温、等熵过程; d.任何热力学均相平衡体系,W=0 2.已知挥发性纯溶质A液体的蒸气压为67Pa纯溶剂B的蒸气压为26665Pa,该溶质在在此溶液中的饱和溶液的物质的量的分数为0.02,则此饱和溶液(假设为理想液体混合物)的蒸气压为a.600pa;
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14.1 Fourier Transforms Introduction. The Classical Fourier Transform for CT Signals. ion of CT Periodic Signals.Generalized T Fourier Transform.Relationship e Fourier Transform 14.2 Fou er Transform lationship to the Finite Time W. Kenneth Jenkins University of Illinois Amplitude,and Phase Alexander D. Poularikas
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(1)x(n)是有限长序列,且长度为M。与 Fourier换和z变换不同,n仅定义在o,m-1]的整数区间上; (2)变换核为W=eN,将时域序列x(n)变换为频域序列X(k)
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绪论,解决六个“何” 英语中的六“W”: (1)何物(What)、 (2)何时(When)、 (3)何地(Where)、 (4)何由(Why)、 (5)何人(Who)、 (6)如何(How)
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数值解,满足工程实际需要,计算机技术使之成为现实。 FEM:运用离散概念,把弹性连续体划分为一个由有限个单元组成的集合 体,通过单元分析和组合,得到一组联立代数方程组,最后求得数值解。 40年代,离散化概念,计算机不现实 60年,美国R.W. lough飞机三角形单元模型,FEM概念 65年,0.C. Zienkiewics FEM适用于所有能按变分形式进行计算的 场问题
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so if t is the current time in a real time situation, we cannot compute ()for which is necessary since w, () is nonzero only for>0. But we showed earlier that
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Nominal data is the simplest form of data in which data falls into unordered Types of Data to represent non-numeric categories Nominal data can have two or more categories Where there are only two categories variable(or indicator) is generally referred to as dichotomous or binary Types of data Nominal scales
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Yariv Ephraim ATeT Bell Laboratories George Mason University Jesse W.Fussell General Approaches. Model Adaptation. Analysis-by-Synthesis. Department of Defense Particular Implementations. Speech Quality and Intelligibility Standardiza Variable Rate Coding. Summary and Conclusions Lynn D. Wilcox FX Palo Alto Lab
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