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一、填空题: 1. 广告预算 2. 决定性 3. 综合分析 4. 直接效益法 5. 企业精神 6. 渲染力
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一、 填空题(每题 1 分,共 20 分) 1.广告预算具有计划工具和控制工具的双重功能:它以货币形式说明广告计划;作为控制工具,它通过__________________________来决定广告计划的阶段规模和执行进程
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一、预算控制 二、生产控制 三、其他控制方法
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This means that in the cascade of Ho(s) with F(s), the effect of the RHP zero on the amplitude of the product is cancelled out, but the effect on the phase is not In fact, the phase lag due to the RHP zero is doubled in the product. Note:
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If the system reaches a statistical steady state the covariance matrix would be constant. The system would have to be invariant
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一、项目评估和选择的方法 二、潜在的困难 三、资金分配 四、项目监测 五、事后审计
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The quantity K2 is known as the Kalman gain. It is the optimum gain in the mean squared error sense. Substitute it into the expression for
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The estimate of x based on N data points can then be made without reprocessing the first N, points. Their effect can be included simply by starting with pseudo observation which is equal to the estimate based on the first N points having a variance equal to the variance of the estimate based on N The same is true of the variance of the estimate based on N
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The two middle terms are zero: fort>lo,n(t) and are uncorrelated becauset) is white(impulse correlation function) For=, n() has a finite effect on x()because n() is white. But the integral of a finite quantity over one point is zero
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Solution in the Free Configuration Non-Real-Time Filter Case The applicable condition in this important case is:
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