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萨伊对古典经济学的发展 ·萨伊强调资本积累对于经济增长的重要意义, 强调经济自由主义。在价值论方面提出效用价 值论。利用斯密的三种收入构成价值的理论宣 ), 称工资、利润和地租有其各自的来源,三者间 和谐一致,不存在利益上的对立。讨论了供求 变动对商品价格和价值的影响。提出了供给本 身创造需求的“萨伊定律”,成了古典经济学的 理论基础,受到了古典经济学家们的高度推崇
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李嘉图学派的解体 在英国19世纪20年代相继出现了一批李嘉图的 社会主义者,他们利用李嘉图从劳动价值论出 发揭示的阶级对立理论,维护无产阶级的利益 ,李嘉图的理论开始被视为是危险的学说。 在随后的1820年至1830年间英国展开了一场拥护和反对李嘉图学说的理论斗争。反对派抓住 李嘉图不能在价值规律的基础上说明资本和雇 佣劳动的交换和等量资本获得等量利润的规律 ,力图推翻李嘉图的劳动价值学说;李嘉图理 论的拥护者则竭力为李嘉图体系辩解,结果是 比反对者更严重地破坏了李嘉图理论的基础
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英国古典经济学的渊源 古典经济学开始于重农学派,集大成于亚当·斯 密。1764年斯密担任贝克莱公爵的私人教师, 陪同公爵去法国旅行,在巴黎居住了很长时间 ,结识了魁奈、杜尔哥等人,并开始《国富论 》的写作 ·重农学派的代表性人物:弗朗斯瓦·魁奈(1694 ~1774);雅克·杜尔哥(1721~1781) ·重农学派主张经济自由主义、重视农业、维护 私有产权
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一、经济学是认识或解释经济现象与活动的理论方法 二、萨缪尔森经济学定义:经济学研究社会如何利用稀缺的资源以生产有价值的商品,并将它们分配给不同的个人 三、经济学双重主题:稀缺与效率 四、机会成本与边际(增量)分析 五、理性经济人假定
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Bureau of Labor Statistics, non-farm employment peaked in March, 2001, at 132.5 million. In June, 2004, almost three years into an \economic recovery,\total non-farm employment was 131.1 million. It is also an undisputed fact that many American businesses are choosing to relocate production to places like
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Home What's New| Site Map Site Index International Monetary Fund Search About the IMF IMF at Work IMF Finances Country Info News Publications The IMF Strikes Back Espaniol Francais By Kenneth Rogoff Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department
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From The Economist print edition Panos Is economic inequality around the world getting better or worse? CRITICS of capitalism are convinced that the gap between rich and poor is widening across the world. For them, the claim amounts almost to an article of faith: worsening inequality is a sure sign of the moral bankruptcy of \the system\. Whether rising inequality should in fact be seen
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This part deals with the basic elements of property law. I begin in chapter by examining the fundamental question of what justifies the social institution of property, that is, the rationale for the rights that constitute what we commonly call ownership. I also discuss examples of the emergence of property rights Then I consider a number of important issues about property rights. In chapter 8, I inquire about the division of property rights(property rights may be divided contemporaneously, over time, and according to contingency). In chapter
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United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network The United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network (UNCJIN)was created in 1989 pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1986/11 of 21 May 1986, in which the Secretary-General was invited to establish, in cooperation with the United Nations institutes and other entities concerned, a global crime and criminal justice information network, including a mechanism for the centralizatio of inputs from non-
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Chapter one Introduction: 1.1 Defining Microeconomics 1.2 Economic Theories and Models(经济理论与模型) 1.3 The Mathematics of Optimization(数学最优化) 1.4 Demand-Supply Model Chapter 2 Consumer Behavior and Demand Theory 2.1 Preference and Utility 2.2 Utility Maximization and Choice 2.3 Income and Substitution Effects 2.4 Market Demand and Elasticity
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