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1.一维散射问题的一般提法 为简单起见,假设 V(+∞)=V(-∞)=0,E>0 所以这时的量子状态是非束缚态,或称散射态。此时的问题不再是求能量本征值(因为E>0的任何值 都可以使方程有单值、有限、连续的解,或者说此时的能量有连续谱),而是求“散射几率”。问题的基 本提法如下
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pubblication Data Gonzalez. Rafael C. Digital Image Processing Richard E Woods N0-201 1. Digital Imaging. 2. Digital Techniques. I. Title. TA1632G662001 2001035846 Vice-President and Editorial Director. ECS: Marcia. Horton Publisher: tom robbins Associate Editor: Alice Dworkin
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共44分) 1.神经调节的基本方式是 A.反射B.反应C.适应D.正反馈调节E.负反馈调节 2.内环境是指 A.机体体内的环境B.细胞内液C.血液D.组织液E.细胞外液
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1.某己醛糖(A)氧化得到旋光二酸(B),将()递降为戊醛糖后再氧化得不旋光二酸 (C)。与(A)生成相同糖的另一个己醛糖(D)氧化后得到不旋光的二酸(E),试 推测(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)和(E)的构型,并用反应式表示变化过程
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In this problem we will study the effects of adding rules to the rule- base. Suppose that we use seven triangular membership functions on each universe of discourse and make them uniformly distributed in the same manner as how we did in Exercise 2.3. In particular make the points at which the outermost input membership functions for e saturate at +r/2 and for e at tr/4 For u make the outermost ones have their peaks
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当 Donald. Knuth发明TEx程序时,他也同时给它装备了丰富的字符 集或字体。 Knuth称这些字体为计算机现代字体,这样就不必依赖于所用 计算机上的可用字体。在当时,打印机字体质量并不是很高,当然也不会一 致。利用他所提供的字体,TEX能在所有打印机上生成相同的高质量输出
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In the special case when E's are conditionally independent(though they all depend on the alternative, Ak), P(, E2..)= P(A... -)P() ()P) This is easy to do and can be done recursively
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模拟的依据 由电磁场理论可知,稳恒电流电场和静电场的空间分布是一致的,只要电极形状一定, 电极电势不变,空间介质均匀,在任何一个考察点,均有E稳恒=E静电或稳恒静电 (可以同轴圆柱形电缆的“静电场”和相应的“稳恒电流场”来讨论这种等效性),因此, 欲测绘静电场的分布,只要测绘相应的稳恒电流的电场即可
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例1.有一硅样品,施主浓度为D=2,受主浓度为=10cm,已知 施主电离能△ED=E-E=0.05eV,试求99%的施主杂质电离时的温度。 思路与解:令N和NA表示电离施主和电离受主的浓度,则电中性方程为:
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#include void maino FILE'fpl, fp2; fpl= fopen(\e: Aname txt\,\r\),/*只读打开文件 name. txt fp2=fopen(\e: name. bak\, \W\); while( feof(fpl)
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