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2.1MCS-51单片机基本配置 不同型号MCS-51单片机CPU处理能力和指令系统完全兼容,只是存储器和I/O接口的配置有所不同。 硬件配置基本配置: 1.8位CPU 2.片内ROM/EPROM、RAM0 3.片内并行IO接口MEL9821 4.片内16位定时器/计数器AT89C205124PI 5.片内中断处理系统 6.片内全双工串行IO口
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2n阶行列式的性质及计算 复习:定理(Laplace)=ai=an(i,j=12n) k=1 新授: 一、行列式的性质
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一、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,总计24分) 1. f()=e\cost L[f()]= 2.=+4将乙平面上|<2变为w平面上的 学号 3.f()=ze()在何处可导 4.i= 5.F()=n(o)则f(t)= 6.f(=)=u+iv为解析函数,u-v=x3+3x2y-xy2-y3为解析函数,则v=
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一、填空题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.设点z=---i,则其辐角主值arg(-
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主要内容 1.货币经济周期理论受到的理论和经验上的冲击 2.与新古典宏观经济学I的区别与联系 3.随机游走 4.Ramsey--Koopmans-cass-模型 5.求显式解析解 6.校准 7.真实经济周期理论对就业波动的解释 8.货币中性
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2直接映象及其变换 1、规则:主存中每一块只能映像到 Cache中唯一一 个特定位置,如图所示,主存的第i块只能映像到 第imod2cb块位置上。如图4.35所示:
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第八章输入/输出和中断程序设计 1.教学目的:掌握I/O程序设计,特别是实模式下的中断程序设计的方法 2.教学要求: ①掌握IO端口与端口地址及IO指令。 ②熟悉无条件传送、查询传送、中断传送和DMA传送的基本工作原理。 ③熟悉内部中断和外部中断,理解中断向量表的安排。 ④掌握中断请求、中断判优、中断响应、中断处理和中断返回五个过程的原理。 ⑤熟悉内部中断和外部中断,理解中断向量表的安排
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高等数学第十章习题 一、选择填空 1、已知曲面的方程为x2+y2+z2=a2,则(x2+y2+z2)dS=() (A)0(B)2ma4(C)4ma4(D)6a4 2、已知=(x+ay)i+y为某一二元函数的梯度,则a=() (x+y)2 (A)-1(B)0(C)1D)2 3、已知f(u)为连续函数,则(x2+y2)dy=()
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 16: Applications of Sequential and Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium Marciano Siniscalchi November 16, 1999 Introduction The purpose of this lecture is to help you familiarize with the workings of sequential equi- librium and \sequential equilibrium lite, i.e. perfect Bayesian equilibrium. The main focus is the \reputation\ result of Kreps and Wilson(1982). You should refer
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Eco514 Game Theory Problem Set 1: Due Friday, September 30 oTE: On the“ethics”of problem sets Some of the theoretical exercise I will assign are actually well-known results; in other cases, you may be able to find the answer in the literature. This is certainly the case for the current problem set. My position on this issue is that, basically, if you look up the answer somewhere, it's your problem. After all, you can buy answer keys to most textbooks... The fact is, you will not
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