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Understanding what is educational psychology, its nature and application for education. Mastering the research method of educational research. Knowing the development of educational psychology and the relationship between education and
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华南农业大学兽医学院:如何写作及发表SCI论文?How to Write and Publish SCI Cited Papers? An Overview
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References Some journals in English: 1.Journal of Experimental Psychology:Learning, Memory, and Cognition. American Psychology Association(APA) 2.Journal of Educational Psychology,APA 3. Contemporary Educational PsychologyAPA 4. Educational Psychologist.APA
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2.1.Whatis development? Development refers to the ways people grow,adapt, and change during their lifetimes. physical development, personality development,socioemotional development, cognitive development(thinking), and languagedevelopment
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3.1 A brief history of western E.P. The foundation of E.P.: before 1920s Wundt,1879: methodology James, “Talks to the teachers” 1899; “The principles of psychology”1890; Dewey: apply psychology to education
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4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndyke:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University
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4.3.1 Burrhus FredericSkinner:1904-1990 Born in Susquehanna,Pennsylvania. Received bachelor’s degreein Hamilton College in New York, majored in Englishliterature. He decided to be a writer.(influenced by RobertFrost)
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“Any subject can by taught effectively to any child at any stage of development
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