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你可以买到一个人的时间,你可以雇一个人到固 定的工作岗位,你可以买到按时或按日计算的技 术操作,但你买不到热情,你买不到创造性,你 买不到全身心的投入,你不得不设法争取这些。 弗朗西斯(. Francis)
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九十年代末的一个春天,我当时所在的一家知名的软件开发商在一家大型制造企业获得了 一项国家863CIMS项目,ERP被列为其中的一部分,另外还有CAD、CAPP、PDM系统,整个CIMS系 统投入近千万。本人作为ERP的实施顾问,参与了项目的全过程,在长达一年半的实施过程 中,对ERP有了更深的认识
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通过对招募形式和方法途径的比较、对甄选基本原则的阐述以及技术 方法的介绍以及对我国国家公务员录用制度的简单介,目的是使大家对这部分内容要 有一个基本的了解
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Strategic Human Resource Management SHRM is the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility. SHRM is the pattern of planned human resource deployment and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals
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I. Money and Motivation II. Incentives for employees III. Organization wide Variable Pay Plans IV.Developing More Effective Incentive Plans Learning Objectives: Discuss the main incentives for operations employees Describe the main incentives for managers and executives Discuss the pros and cons of incentives for salespeople
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I Determining Pay Rates II Establishing Pay Rates III Pricing Managerial and Professional Jobs IV Compensation Trends V Comparable Worth Learning Objectives: List the basic factors in determining pay rates Explain in detail how to establish pay rates Describe how to price managerial and professional jobs Discuss current trends in compensation Establish a pay plan
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I Orienting employees II The training process 2.1 Why the training business is booming 2.2 The 5-step training & development process 2.3 Training and learning III Motivate the learner 3.1 Analyzing training needs 3.2 Task analysis: assessing new employees’ training needs 3.3 Performance analysis: assessing current employees’ training needs IV Traditional training methods V Electronic training VI Managerial development & training VII Evaluating the training effort
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I The appraisal process I The appraisal process 1.1 Introduction to the appraisal process 1.1 Introduction to the appraisal process 1.2 Appraisal methods 1.2 Appraisal methods 1.3 Appraising performance: problems and 1.3 Appraising performance: problems and solutions solutions II The appraisal interview II The appraisal interview 2.1 Types of interviews 2.1 Types of interviews 2.2 How to conduct the 2.2 How to conduct the appraisal interview appraisal interview III The role of appraisals in III The role of appraisals in managing performance managing performance 3.1 Do appraisals really help 3.1 Do appraisals really help to improve performance? to improve performance? 3.2 The performance management 3.2 The performance management approach approach 3.3 Performance management 3.3 Performance management abroad 3.4 TQM 3.4 TQM-based appraisals based appraisals IV. Summary IV. Summary
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Changes in the Nature of Work The Interweaving of Technology and Jobs Changes in the Design of Jobs (there will be no stable jobs in the future Integration of Contingent Workers into the Workforce Increased Emphasis on Continuous Learning External Control of Performance Standards by Customers (Boom of services industry) Limitations on Leadership and Supervision Changes in the Structure of Work From Individuals to Teams
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能够推动整个经济和社会发展的劳动者的能力,即处在劳动年龄的已 直接投入建设和尚未投入建设的人口的能力。 (清华大学 张德)
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