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Warming up There are many occasions when people have to deal with money and talk about money. We know that a company always has its own Accounts department to deal with monetary problems. They pay their suppliers and receive money from buyers by invoice, letter of credit or other forms. Sometimes they need to chase money, and sometimes they owe money to other companies
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第一编案例Ⅲ亚马逊公司的成功与失败 案例亚马逊公司的成功与失败 当“亚马逊”这三个字出现在眼前时,你首先想到的是什么?亚马逊河流?不,是 Amazon.com,(1)..com,这就是现在的亚马逊公司(图1)它最初是个网上书店,但现在产品种类已经 扩大至音像光盘、录像带、化妆用品、宠物用品及杂货等,并提供拍卖及问候卡片等服务,它 正成为全球最大的网上零售商
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Objectives This unit deals with basic telephoning skills and also receiving and noting down messages. Students are given a chance to discuss and develop their telephone techniques and practice making different kinds of business calls. The functions of requesting, offering help and asking permission are also introduced and practiced in this unit
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objectives This unit deals with how to take notes in business contexts, how to summarize conversations and how to plan and write reports. It's a unit which can be used either as an introduction for students with little experience in report- and summary writing
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乐友儿童用品电子商务网 一、网站概述 乐友网站 (http: //www. leyou. com, 7-7)图7-7)是全球最大的以少年儿童为核心的中文 家庭网站,其宗旨是帮助少年儿童健康成长并走向成功的未来。乐友网站的构建本着专业 化、智能化和个人化的原则,不断地利用互联网信息技术,力图完善父母科学育儿、孩子 网络教育和家庭用品采购等过程
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Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to deal with problems and clients when placing orders (and trying to rectify them) complain and apologize know how to use present progressive tense to describe future arrangements
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A. What do you say? This is controlled review of the main functional language points from the previous four units. 1. Introduce the activity; ask learners how to make a prediction to elicit what they remember. 2. Alone or in pairs, learners match the remaining functions to the actual words. 3. Check their answers and then elicit alternatives for each function
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1 Introduce the activity. Q1: How to make a suggestion? 2. Alone or in pairs, learners match the remaining functions to the actual words. 3. Check their answers and then elicit alternatives for each function
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Dell公司度身定制的网络直销 一、公司概况 Dell计算机公司是世界上最成功的网络直销的计算机公司(参见图7-1)。这个公司于 1984年由企 Mickel业家·Dell创立,他是目前计算机业内任期最长的首席执行官。他的理 念非常简单:按照客户要求制造计算机,并向客户直接发货,使Dell公司能够更有效和明 确地了解客户需求,继而迅速地作出回应
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SALALA中国连锁鲜花网营销策略 一、概述 莎啦啦(中国)连锁鲜花网www. (www. salalaflower. com, 8-14), 2000.com,图8-14),2000年5月引进了包 括国内数家财团和新加坡财团在内的风险投资,开始走上创立中国网络鲜花第一品牌之 路
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