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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Overview of IPE)International Economics and International Relations. A Case of Mutual Neglect
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Institutions and International Political Economy)Googling the WTO. What Search-Engine Data Tell Us About the Political Economy of Institutions
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Institutions and International Political Economy)The Emperor Has No Clothes The Limits of OPEC in the Global Oil Market
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Institutions and International Political Economy)The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Institutions and International Political Economy)The Magic Bullet. The RTAA, Institutional Reform, and Trade Liberalization
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(International Political Economy and National Security)Conflict Expectations and the Paradox of Economic Coercion
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(International Political Economy and National Security)Economic Structure and International Security.The Limits of the Liberal Case
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(International Political Economy and National Security)Revisionism Reconsidered. Exports and American Intervention in World War I
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(International Political Economy and National Security)The Capitalist Peace
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(International Political Economy and National Security)The Globalization of Production and the Changing Benefits of Conquest
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