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Ribosomal RNAs as Evolutionary Chronometers Reasons: Ancient molecules Functionally constant Universally distributed Moderately well conserved in sequence across broad phylogenetic distances
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Cell Biology Tool for studying microbiology: Microscopes and Microscopy Microscope: (a) Bright-field (b) Phase contrast (c) Dark-field (d) Fluorescence
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Arrangement of DNA in Prokaryotes Vertebrates Algae Fungi Free-living prokaryotes Obligately parasitic Bacteria Chloroplasts Nudleod Mitochondria Viruses
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Flowsheet for developing an industrial microbial fermentation process Strain selection Laboratory process development Pilot Scale up Industrial Scale up Downstream process development Product packaging techniques Other commercial consideration Examples
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一、实验目的 1.学习、掌握油镜的使用; 2.学习、掌握细菌涂片染色; 3.学习、掌握细菌的革兰氏染色; 4.建立\无菌操作的概念,学习其技术
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Biotechnology and Polymers Most Chemically Synthesized Polymers are not Biodegradable, such as PE, PP, PS and PET While most Biologically Synthesized Polymers are Biodegradable, such as Proteins, Cellulose, Glycan The most Notable Biopolymers with Properties Similar to Thermoplastics are: Polyhydroxyalkanoates or PHA
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一、膜泡是如何形成的? 二、膜泡定向运输的机制? 三、 蛋白质是如何被分拣的? 四、膜不对称性是从哪里开始的?
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细胞分化是基因选择性表达的结果 组织特异性基因(奢侈基因)与管家基因 Tissue-specific genes (luxury genes), House-keepinggenes
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85. The general structure and function of the plasma membrane Introduction The membranes form continuous sheets that form the outer boundaries of the cells or enclose intercellular
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复旦大学99年微生物学试题 1.名词解释(30分) ( 1) Koch's postulates (2) negative stains (3) RC(respiratory chain) (4) stationary phase ( 5) semi-synthetic antibiotics (6) cxtrcmophiles( extremc-microorganisms) (7) heteroiactic fermeniation
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