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The ethnographic reality behind these concepts Potlatch 1. The Culture a. North West coast cultural area is mostly in Canada b. Whole series of related groups all the way up to Alaska C. Fascinating area
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Linguistic Aspects of Culture 1. How does culture hang together as system? How does it work? How does it interact with aspects of life that aren't culture? a. There has been a lot of efforts in the 20century to answer these question
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The culture concept is fundamental to anthropology Years ago, we used to have more trouble introducing the concept, because people tended to think of the other meaning of culture, i.e., high culture, esp. art, music, refinement
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Race and Anthropology Huge topic-only going to cover a small portion of the discussion Two notions about race: Race has a biological meaning, but not a social meaning *Race has a social meaning but not biological meaning
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Pili and fimbriae G short, fine, hairlike appendages that are not involved in motility Fimbriae/fimbria: 1000piece/cell, adhesion to host epithelium Sex pill/pilus: 1-10piece/celly sexual conjugation, they are genetically determined by sex factors or conjugative plasmids and are required for bacterial mating Receptors of some bacterial viruses
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Chapter 6 Viruses 6.1 General Properties of Viruses 6.2 Structure of viruses 6.3 The cultivation of viruses 6.4 General Features of Virus Reproduction 6.5 one-step growth curve 6.6 Temperate Bacteriophages: Lysogeny and Lambda
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包括六部分内容 一、基本概述 二、腧穴的分类和命名 三、腧穴作用及主治规律 四、特定穴 五、腧穴定位法 六、腧穴学发展
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Oxidative phosphorylation occurs at cell membrane since there are no mitochondria) Cell wall Cytoplasm Cell membrane The cell wall is outside of cell membrane -rigid, protecting cell from osmotic lysis
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