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山东省广播电视学校:《模拟电子线路》课程教学讲义(高频电子技术)第一章 小信号谐振放大器
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37.1 Space Propagation Matthew N.O. Sadiku Propagation in Simple Media. Propagation in the Atmosphere Temple University 37.2 Waveguides Kenneth Demarest Waveguic
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35.1 Maxwell Equations 35.2 Constitutive Relations Anisotropic and Bianisotropic Media Biisotropic Jin Au Kong
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1 试证:平行板电容器的位移电流可写成
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33.1 Introduction Motivation .Requirements 33.2 Heat Transfer Fundamentals Avram Bar-Cohen 33.3 Chip Module Thermal Resistance Definition. Internal Resistance. External Resistance.Total
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31.2 Sources and Detectors Lucent Technologies Properties of Light. Absorption Coherence. Geometric Optics. Incoherent Light. Detectors, R.A.Becker
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30.1 Power Semiconductor Devices Thyristor and Triac. Gate Turn-Off Thyristor(GTO). Reverse- Conducting Thyristor(RCT) and Asymmetrical Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (ASCR). Power Transistor Power MOSFET. Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). MOS Controlled
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29.1 Synthesis of Low-Pass Forms Passive and Active Filters Active Filter Classification and J W. Steadman Sensitivity. Cascaded Second-Order Sections. Passive Ladder University of wyoming
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96.1 Introduction 96.2 Types of Operating Systems 96.3 Distributed Computing Systems 96.4 Fault-Tolerant Systems 96.5 Parallel Processing 96.6 Real-Time Systems 96.7 Operating System Structure 96.8 Industry Standards 96.9 Conclusions
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84.1 Introduction 84.2 The Analog and Digital Signal Interface 84.3 Analog Signal Conditioning 84.4 Sample-and-Hold and A/D Techniques in Data Acquisition
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