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CONTENT Definition of hematuria Etiology Clinical feature Differential diagnosis Laboratory tests Accompanied symptoms
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the present era of technological advances, particularly in the various imaging modalities, there is a growing conception among practicing physicians in cardiovascular medicine that bedside physical examination is unnecessary and does not provide useful information
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Coughing is an essential defense mechanism that it prevents the airways from the foreign substance and clear the excretion of respiratory tract. Coughing is a reflex. permanent and frequent coughing indicates an abnormality
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Palpitation may be defined as an awareness of the beating of the heart, an awareness most commonly brought about by a change in the heart's rhythm or rate or by an augmentation of its contractility
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电子科技大学:《通用英语B(提高)College English B(Intermediate)》课程教学资源(思政案例)
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电子科技大学:《通用英语B(提高)College English B(Intermediate)》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Unit 01
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