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Definition of pathology Pathology is to study diseases by scientific methods. Disease may be defined as an abnormal alteration of structure or function in any part of the body
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Autopsy Biopsy Cytology Experimental studies In vitro: Tissue culture Organ culture Cell culture In vivo: Experimental animals Nude mice
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CELLULAR ADAPTATION Excessive physiologic stresses. Some pathologic stimuli. A new, but altered state preserving the viability of the cell
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Motional pathway of embolus: Embolus from left heart cavity or arterial system Embolus from right heart cavity or venous system Embolus from portal veins Paradoxical embolism Retrograde ethrombus
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Etiology Thrombosis Embolism Vesospasm Expansion of atheroma Extrinsic compression Twisting of the vessels
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ANTITHROMBOTIC PROPERTIES Inhibition of platelet aggregation: PGL NO, ADPase Anticoagulant -binding and inhibition of thrombin: Antithrombin acceleration by heparin-like molecules, thrombomodulin activation of protein C/S, a2-macroglobulin. Fibrinlysis: Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
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一、概述 二、新生儿胆红素代谢特点 三、新生儿黄疸的分类 (一)生理性黄疸 (二)病理性黄疸
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[感染性肺炎] 一、病因: (一)宫内或产时感染(垂直): 1、血行传播孕母血→胎盘、羊膜→胎儿 2、羊水上行污染:胎膜早破 (二)生后感染(水平): 1、呼吸道途径:飞沫 2、血行感染败血症 3、医源性传染医用器械或手
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一、概述 二、新生儿胆红素代谢特点 三、新生儿黄疸的分类 (一)生理性黄疸 (二)病理性黄疸
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一、概述 母婴血型不合,免疫性溶血,26个血型,ABO、Rh血型常见
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