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2.1 Introduction We can think about mapping genes and genomes at several levels of resolution: A genetic (or linkage) map identifies the distance between mutations in terms of recombination frequencies. A linkage map can also be constructed by measuring recombination between sites in genomic DNA
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29.1 Introduction 29.2 Fly development uses a cascade of transcription factors 29.3 A gradient must be converted into discrete compartments 29.4 Maternal gene products establish gradients in early embryogenesis 29.5 Anterior development uses localized gene regulators
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武汉生物工程学院:《中药鉴定学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第11章 藻、菌、地衣类中药(藻类、菌类、地衣类植物均为低等植物)
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一、植物来源及功用: 3、海金沙为海金沙科海金沙属植物海金沙Lygodium japonicum(Thunb.)Sw.的干燥成熟孢子
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一、突变的分子基础 二、重组的分子基础 三、转座遗传因子 四、DNA损伤的修复
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芒硝Natrii Sulfas 玄明粉Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus 均为硫酸盐类的矿物,主含硫酸钠
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一、花的组成: 完全花; 不完全花
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五味子 Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 南五味子 Fructus Schisandrae Sphenantherae
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一、植物来源及功用: 1、松花粉为松科松属植物马尾松PinusmassonianaLamb.油松P.tabulaeformisCarr.或同属多种植物的干燥花粉
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