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1 导言 2 基本原理与概念 2.1 基本原理 2.2 对象的产生,排列及删除 2.3 在线帮助 3 R的数据操作 3.1 对象 3.2 在文件中读写数据 3.3 存储数据 3.4 生成数据 3.4.1 规则序列 3.4.2 随机序列 3.5 使用对象 3.5.1 创建对象 3.5.2 对象的类型转换 3.5.3 运算符 3.5.4 访问一个对象的数值:下标系统 3.5.5 访问对象的名称 3.5.6 数据编辑器 3.5.7 数学运算和一些简单的函数 3.5.8 矩阵计算 4 R绘图 4.1 管理绘图 4.1.1 打开多个绘图设备 4.1.2 图形的分割 4.2 绘图函数 4.3 低级绘图命令 4.4 绘图参数 4.5 一个实例 4.6 grid 和lattice 包 5 R的统计分析 5.1 关于方差分析的一个简单例子 5.2 公式 5.3 泛型函数 5.4 包 6 R编程实践 6.1 循环和向量化 6.2 用R写程序 6.3 编写你自己的函数 7 R 相关的文献
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《实用统计软件》课程教学资源(阅读材料)A History of Markov Chain Monte Carlo——Subjective Recollections from Incomplete Data
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《实用统计软件》课程教学资源(阅读材料)图像合成方面应用的一个介绍 Monte Carlo Integration
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《实用统计软件》课程教学资源(阅读材料)一份不太简短的LATEX 2ε介绍
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1 Programming 1.1 M file 1.1.1 Program Control Statements 1.1.2 M-File Functions 1.2 anonymous functions 2 Computational statistics with Matlab 2.1 Functions on Probability and Statistics 2.1.1 Probability distribution 2.1.2 Descriptive statistics 2.1.3 Statistical plotting 2.1.4 Linear model 2.1.5 Multivariate Statistics 2.2 Monte Carlo with Matlab 2.2.1 Monte Carlo Assessment of Hypothesis Testing 2.2.2 MCMC with matlab 3 Symbolic computation with matlab 3.1 Creating Symbolic Variables and Expressions 3.2 Calculus 4 Optimization 4.1 Unconstrained Minimization Example 4.2 Nonlinear Inequality Constrained Example
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1 Numerical optimization methods in R 1.1 Root-finding in one dimension 1.1.1 Bisection method 1.1.2 Brent’s method 1.1.3 Newton’s method 1.1.4 Fisher scoring 1.2 multivariate optimization 1.2.1 Newton’s method and Fisher scoring 1.3 Numerical Integration 1.4 Maximum Likelihood Problems 1.5 Optimization Problems 1.5.1 One-dimension Optimization 1.5.2 multi-dimensional Optimization 1.6 Linear Programming
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1 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods 1.4 The Gibbs Sampler 1.4.1 The Slice Gibbs Sampler 1.5 Monitoring Convergence 1.5.1 Convergence diagnostics plots 1.5.2 Monte Carlo Error 1.5.3 The Gelman-Rubin Method 1.6 WinBUGS Introduction 1.6.1 Building Bayesian models in WinBUGS 1.6.2 Model specification in WinBUGS 1.6.3 Data and initial value specification 1.6.4 Compiling model and simulating values
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1 Bootstrap and Jackknife 1.1 The Bootstrap 1.1.1 Bootstrap Estimation of Standard Error 1.1.2 Bootstrap Estimation of Bias 1.2 Jackknife 1.3 Jackknife-after-Bootstrap 1.4 Bootstrap Confidence Intervals 1.4.1 The Standard Normal Bootstrap Confidence Interval 1.4.2 The Percentile Bootstrap Confidence Interval 1.4.3 The Basic Bootstrap Confidence Interval 1.4.4 The Bootstrap t interval 1.5 Better Bootstrap Confidence Intervals 1.6 Application: Cross Validation
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1 Monte Carlo Integration and Variance Reduction 1.1 Monte Carlo Integration 1.1.1 Simple Monte Carlo estimator 1.1.2 Variance and Efficiency 1.2 Variance Reduction 1.3 Antithetic Variables 1.4 Control Variates 1.4.1 Antithetic variate as control variate 1.4.2 Several control variates 1.5 Importance sampling 1.6 Stratified Sampling 1.7 Stratified Importance Sampling
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1 TEX介绍 2 TEX的宏包和扩展 3 环境集 4 LATEX命令集 5 页面版式命令 6 计数器命令 7 目录表 8 交叉引用和索引 9 宏包 10 LATEX中文化
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