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1. Names of people ( 1) ampere [5AmpeE(r) ]n.安培-----from French physicist Ampere. (2) farad [ 5fArEd ]n.[电]法拉(电容单位)-----from British physicist Faraday
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1 .背口诀记单词 天气非常fine (好的) 松鼠爬上pine (松树) 站成一条line (直线) 把松果油refine (提炼)* 发动汽车engine (发动机) 事迹搬上magazine (杂志)
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Word List 1. ban [bAn] (banned; banning)禁止, 取缔 (书刊等) (to prohibit esp. by legal means or social pressure.) Smoking is banned in school. 在学校禁止吸烟
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1. retract [ ri5trAkt ]缩回,收回(to take back or withdraw) A cat can retract its claws. 猫能缩回爪子。 to retract an offer 收回提议
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w•1. defraud [ di5frC:d ]欺骗(to take something from by fraud; swindle; deceit) w•be defrauded of (one's estate) w被骗去(财产)
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1. re- : 重、再return, retreat, recall, regress 2. tri-: 三 tricycle, tricar, triweekly 3. multi-: 多 multiparty, multinational 4. dis-: 除去 disarm, disroot, discourage
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I. Read the following sentences: 1.A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 2. The children huddled together for warmth
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