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Sntroduction to Sociology I. Socialization A. Its Meaning and Importance B. Feral Children C. Total Institutions and Resocialization -video clip on military resocialization D. Basic Research Findings 1. Human (Biophysical) Development
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Sntroduction to Sociology Video clip from SEIU, Stronger real Together: Invisible No More ll. Explaining Social Stratification S50 Billion a stack of $100 Bills 50 kilometers high-> A. Functionalist [ozone Layer] explanations
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Sociological Lessons from the Titanic ll. Defining Sociology A. Is it a science? And what does this mean? B. What are social facts? Why was Durkheim's study of suicide so important? C. What do sociologists study? (What is their unit of analysis?) E. Is sociology micro or macro? Do they study the big picture or the little picture? F. Is sociology global? In what sense?
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Cntroduction to Sociology Welcome to this course! . Three Goals of this Course ll. This Course's Online Syllabus and Requirements lll. Three Visions of Sociology: Improving Society, Science, Interpretation
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一、简述统计分析在研究中的地位。(20分) 二.名词解释(每小题5分,共20分) 1.有偏估计 2.抽样分布 3.总体参数
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An introduction to Western Social Theory e l.The significance of studying western social theory e1. 1 The developing tendency of social science =1. 2 The sociology's researching target 3.1.3 The independence of sociology
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Key concepts of Scotch School Nature of Reason and Evolutionary Reason Unintended Consequences of Action Origin of Justice: from Feeling not from Reason Evolutionary Process of Behavior Norms System
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自然法”这个题目对于所有社 会科学的起源和早期历史都具 有极为重要的意义”,这首先 是因为”自然法哲学家试图建 立一门综合性的社会科学,即试 图创立一种有关社会的综合性 理论,涉及社会的所有方面和所有问题
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世界的导师:亚历山大帝国使希腊文明遍及世界 ,希腊民族实现了自己的文明任务,希腊人变成 了世界的导师; 理论与实践的分离:希腊科学中有机融合在一起 的纯理论兴趣和实践兴趣在希腊化时代开始分道 扬镳,实践兴趣更形重要;
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Content Decline of Roman Empire and the rise of Christianity Saint Augustine: City of God Saint Thomas Aquinas: God and Human Being Conflict between church and king Church and Medieval Feudalism
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