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第一节概述 一、细胞通讯 二、信号转导系统及其特性 第二节细胞内受体介导的信号转导 一、细胞内核受体及其对基因表达的调节 二、NO作为气体信号分子进入靶细胞直接与酶结合 第三节G蛋白偶联受体介导的信号转导 一、G蛋白偶联受体的结构与激活 二、G蛋白偶联受体所介导的细胞信号通路 第四节酶联受体介导的信号转导 一、受体酪氨酸激酶及RTK-Ras蛋白信号通路 二、细胞表面其他酶联受体 三、细胞表面整联蛋白介导的信号转导 第五节信号的整合与控制 一、细胞对信号的整合 二、细胞对信号的控制
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01 实验目的 02 实验原理 03 实验药品、仪器 04 实验操作步骤 05 结果分析 06 注意事项
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一、分类、命名和构型 1.分类: 按烃基类型可分为脂肪族氨基酸,芳香族氨基酸,含杂环氨基酸。 按分子中氨基和羧基的数目分为中性氨基酸,酸性氨基酸,碱性氨基酸
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第一章绪论 1、酶的基本概念 酶的概念:具有生物催化功能的生物大分子,按照其化学组成,可以分为蛋白类酶(P 酶)和核酸类酶(R酶)两大类别。 酶工程:酶的生产与应用的技术过程 酶工程的主要內容包括:微生物细胞发酵产酶,动植物细胞培养产酶,酶的提取与分
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Rip: REGULATED INTRAHENBRANE PROTEOLYSis .Site. spacifie membrae. prote2ses Substratey achivated by protcolytc procassing .. SREBP TF controlling rol metabohis IRE1 Unfolded protein response Notch APP \RoP*: REGULATED. UBiQUiTIN/PROTEASOME DEPENDENT PROCESSING\ type ERAD (ER zciakd dxgradatin) process involving proltoly'c procassing:
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Figure 2 in Muratani M, Tansey WP. \How the ubiquitin-proteasome system controls transcription.\ Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2003 Mar; 4(3): 192-201. Regulation of TCR by ubiquitylation of RNA polymerase II. Transcription-coupled repair (TCR)is the mechanism through which mutations in actively transcribed genes are preferentially repaired. a Elongating RNA polymerase II (pol II)
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insolubility. Administration of cystamine, a transglutaminase inhibitor, reduces the To date, 10 neurological diseases, including aggregate formation, retarding the Huntington's and several ataxias, are caused development of neurological phenotype and by the lengthening of glutamine(@) tracts in prolonging the life span of brain cells in various proteins with no obvious functional or transgenic mouse models
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Images removed due to copyright considerations. See the following: Figure 1 and Table 1 in Reed SI. 2003. Ratchets and clocks: The cell cycle nover ubiquitylation and protein turnover. Nat Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 4: 855-864. Figure 1 in Bartek J, Lukas J. Mammalian G1-and S-phase checkpoints in response to DNA damage. Curr Opin Cell
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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), is the herpesvirus that causes infectious mononucleosis and is associated with a number of cancers, particularly lymphomas in immunosuppressed persons including persons with AIDS EBV is a ubiquitous virus, so common that it has been difficult to determine whether it is the cause of certain diseases or whether it is simply there as an artifact
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How p53 and Rb pathway function may be disrupted in cancer cells Components of the pathway which are found altered in human cancers are shown in red on the diagram above p53 and Rb themselves may be inactivated by gene mutation (loss of both copies or also as in familial retinoblastoma and Li-Fraumeni syndrome where there are inherited mutations in one copy of Rb or p53 gene respectively. Alternatively
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