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Let=R3 and The result we have found for two /R =k, we have inputs may be extended to any v2=-k(v1+3) number of inputs
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Ohm's law states that voltage across many types of conducting materials is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material. U= Ri or R= i R--resis tance()( linear resistor) The resistor is a passive element that cannot deliver power or store energy
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1.宽度为r、高度为1的矩形脉冲g(7)的傅氏变换是G()=rsnc(/r) os(atp)=cosa cos B msin a sin B ∫et=en(x)
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1. The basic concepts and the difference between them: OThe difference between a resultant R and the principal vector R'. Resultant force is the sum of the translational effect of the principal vector and the rotational effect of the principal moment (principal vector and principal moment reduce to a resultant force). (It depends on the point of application)
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两因素方差分析是讨论两因素试验的统计推断问题。本 文分非重复试验和重复试验两种情形进行讨论。 一、两因素非重复试验的方差分析 设有两个因素A,B,因素A有r个不同水平: A,A2…,A,;因素B有s个不同水平:B1,B2…,B 在A,B的每一种组合水平(A,B)下作一次试验,试验 结果为X,=(i=1,…,r,j=1,2,,),所有X,相互独立
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1-1内燃机在国民经济及国防建设中的地位 与作用 1784年英国发明家J瓦特(J. Watte)发明了蒸汽机。这是 个划时代的重大发明,拉开了产业革命的序幕。 德国人Na·奥托(n.A.otto)和R·狄赛尔(R. Diesel)提出的 内燃机循环,于1876年和1897年分别推出了汽油机和柴油机, 为现代内燃机的发展奠定了基础。这是继蒸汽机之后发动机发 展的又一个里程碑
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Definition A tree is a collection of nodes. The collection can be empty: otherwise, a tree consists of (1) a distinguished node r, called the root; (2)and zero or more nonempty(sub)trees T1,., Tk, each of whose roots are connected by a directed edge from r Note:
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一、在柱坐标系下的计算法 设M(x,y,z为空间内一点,并设点M在xoy面上的投影P的极坐标为r,0,则这样的三个数r,0,z就叫点M的柱面坐标
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决策要有一定的价值标准(或称为价值函数),在技术经济分析中,价值函数常用经济 效益表示,一般称为损益值。损益值(R)大小取决于决策对象所处的自然状态(S)和决 策者提出的策略方案(),即R=f(A,S) 根据对未来自然状态的把握程度不同,决策问题分为确定型决策、风险型决策和不确 定型决策
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Introduction to New Classical Theories R.lucas Supply Function Rational Expectations and R.lucas Criterion Policy Implications Comparisons between New Classical and Keynesian Theories
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