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This lecture: Mount pp 1-7, 29-35, 45-48, Next lecture: Mount pp 8-9, 65-89, 96-115, +more TheProteinDataBank(pdb-http.://ww.pdb.org/)isthesingle worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D biological macromolecular structure data Berman, H. M, J. Westbrook, Z Feng, G. Gilliland, T N. Bhat
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一、对交流绕组的基本要求 保证电能质量(幅值、频率、相位、波形)A° 1、在一定导体数下,感应较大的基波电动垫和产生较大的基波磁动势,且电动势和磁z动势的波形尽量接近正弦波
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Longitudinal equations (1-15) can be rewritten as: mu Xuu+ Xww-mg cos 0+ m(w-qUo) =Zuu+ Zww+ Zq-mg sin 000+Z Iyyg =Muu+ Mww+ Mw++ There is no roll/yaw motion, so q 0
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一、填空题(每空2分,共30分) 1数控机床的进给伺服系统可以分为 半闭环控制系统和 2在数控机床坐标系中,绕平行于X、Y和Z轴的回转运动的轴,分别称为轴 和
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equipment, and to Dr. G. E. R. Deacon and the a residue on each chain every 3.4 A. in the z-direc- captain and officers of R. R.S. Discovery II for their tion. We have assumed an angle of 36between part in making the observations. at residues in the same chain, so th he 1Young, F. B., Gerrard, H., and Jevons,., Phil Mag., 40, 149 structu on each chain, that
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中间变量为一元函数的情形 定理1如果函数=0(1)及v=()都在点可导,函数z=f(,v) 在对应点(u4,v)具有连续偏导数,则复合函数
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求区=0处的留数 1)∫(2)=z ze-=2 ∑-2=∑ (2n-1)
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O Copyright 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, OS/2, Parallel Sysplex, MVS/ESA, AIX, S/390, AS/400, OS/90, OS/400, iSeries, PSeries, xSeries, zSeries, The information in this document is proprietary and contains z/OS, AFP, Intelligent Miner, WebSphere, Netfinity, Tivoli, Informix
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1、信号:信号传递信息的函数也是独立变量的函数,这个变量可以是时间、空间位置等。 2、连续信号:在某个时间区间,除有限间断点外所有瞬时均有确定值。 3、模拟信号是连续信号的特例。时间和幅度均连续。 4、离散信号:时间上不连续,幅度连续。 5、数字信号:幅度量化,时间和幅度均不连续
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第一节 概 述 第二节 药物代谢的酶( E n z y m e s f o r D r u g M e t a bo lism) 第三节 第Ⅰ相的生物转化(PhaseⅠ B iotransformation)
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