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试题库(习题) 第四章脂环烃 一、命名下列化合物
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The speed of sound Sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that can travel through solids, liquids, or gases. The speed of a sound wave in medium(having bulk modulus(容变弹性模量)and density p) is:
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Chapter 13 &14 Wave Motion and Sound 1. Simple Harmonic Waves 2. Wave Equation 3. Energy and Power of Waves Interference of Waves Standing Waves 1. The Doppler Effect
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西华大学交通与汽车工程学院:《汽车理论》第三章 汽车动力装置参数的选定
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Chapter 34Quantum Mechanics 1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Schrodinger's Equation
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广东海洋大学:《食品化学》课程教学资源(电子教案)第三章 碳水化合物
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爱因斯坦: Albert einstein 现代时空的创始人(1879-1955)
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Chapter 22Conductor Dielectrics. ElectricEnergy Storage Capacitance Dielectrics Energy Stored in an Electric Field
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Chapter 21 Electric Potential 1. Electric Potential and Potential Difference 2. Relation Between Electric Potential and Electric Field 3. The Calculation of Electric Potential 4. Equipotential Surfaces 5. Electrostatic Potential Energy
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