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交流仪器的使用(一) 一、实验目的 1.掌握信号源、示波器的使用方法; 2.了解示波器测量交流电压及时间参数的基本方法; 3.学习用示波器观测和分析动态电路的过渡过程 二、实验设备 函数信号发生器、双踪示波器
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RLC串联电路的阶跃响应 一、实验目的 1.研究RLC串联电路的电路参数与阶跃响应的关系 2.观测二阶电路在过阻尼、临界阻尼和欠阻尼三 种情况下的响应波形。利用响应波形,计算二 阶电路响应过程的有关参数。 二、实验设备 1.函数信号发生器 2.双踪示波器 3.模拟电路实验箱
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适用专业:电子信息工程、计算机科学技术等专业 一、本课程的地位、任务和作用 本课程是高等工科院校电气、信息、通信类专业的一门专业基础课。通过本课程的学 习,使学生获得数字电子技术方面的基本概念、基本知识和基本技能,培养他们对数字电 路的分析与设计的能力,为后续课程的学习及今后的实际工作打下良好的基础
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阶电路时域响应 一、实验目的 1.学习用示波器观察和分析电路的响应。 2.研究RC电路在方波激励下,响应的基本规律和特点。 3.熟练掌握常用仪器的使用方法。 二、实验设备 1.函数信号发生器 2.双踪示波器 3.模拟电路实验箱
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已知某PC系统的IO地址组选信号Iy0:b800h~b81fH, D7D6D5D4D3D2D1DO VCC 用244构成I/O输入电路
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grasp the main idea(we should adopt a sensible environmentalism) and the structure of the text(each part containing a contrast) 2)appreciate the various argumentative skills employed in the text 3master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text
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And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still hay a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in American dream. I have dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of
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At least 90 percent of UFO sightings can be identified as conventional objects, although time-consuming investigations are often necessary for such identification. The objects most often mistaken for UFOs are bright planets and stars aircraft, birds, balloons kites aerial flares, peculiar clouds, meteors and satellites. The remaining sightings most likely can be attributed to other mistaken sightings or to inaccurate reporting hoaxes or delusions although to disprove all claims made about UFOs is impossible
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Objectives Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea(cloning is a two- edged sword) and structure of the text; 2. appreciate the writing strategies employed by the author, 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
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Objectives Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea (Bill Porter the salesman will never give in) and structure of the text (4 parts, 2 flashbacks); 2. appreciate the characteristics of journalistic writing; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
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