Minimum-Cost Flow Problems (Section 7.1)(最小费用流问题) A Case Study: The BMZ Maximum Flow Problem (Section 7.2)(案例研究:BMZ公 司的最大流问题) Maximum Flow Problems (Section 7.3)(最大流问题) Shortest Path Problems: Littletown Fire Department (Section 7.4)(最短路问题: 里特城的消防队问题) Shortest Path Problems: General Characteristics (Section 7.4)(最短路问题: 一般特征) Shortest Path Problems: Minimizing Sarah’s Total Cost (Section 7.4)(最短路问 题:最小化莎拉的总成本问题) Shortest Path Problems: Minimizing Quick’s Total Time (Section 7.4)(最短路 问题:最小化奎克公司总时间问题) Minimum Spanning Trees: The Modern Corp. Problem (Section 7.5)(最小支撑树 问题:摩登公司问题)
In a free, unregulated market system, market forces establish equilibrium prices and exchange quantities. While equilibrium conditions may be efficient, it may be true that not everyone is satisfied