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质量控制( Quality control) 是临床微生物学实验室为了保证检验结 果实事求是地反映客观存在而建立的操 作程序体系。在微生物学检验的过程中, 定性试验、手工操作、主观判断是主要 的工作方式,容易导致错误的结果。如 何在操作过程避免这些可变因素对结果 的影响,保证结果的准确性、可靠性和 可重复性,是质量控制的主要目标
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弯曲菌属是一类氧化酶阳性、动力阳性、革 阴性弯曲、微需氧的细菌 生物学性状:弯曲菌菌体轻度弯曲似逗点 状,长15~5μm,宽0.2~0.8μm。菌体 端或两端有鞭毛,运动活泼,在暗视 野镜下观察似飞蝇。有荚膜,不形成芽胞
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Chapter 1 Recent Advances in Pattern Classification Chapter 2 Neural Networks for Handwriting Recognition Chapter 3 Moving Object Detection from Mobile Platforms Using Stereo Data Registration Chapter 4 Pattern Classifications in Cognitive Informatics Chapter 5 Optimal Differential Filter on Hexagonal Lattice Chapter 6 Graph Image Language Techniques Supporting Advanced Classification and Cognitive Interpretation of CT Coronary Vessel Visualizations Chapter 7 A Graph Matching Approach to Symmetry Detection and Analysis
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《医学影像信息学概论》课程参考资源:Biomedical Informatics - Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine(Fourth Edition,Edward H. Shortliffe • James J. Cimino)
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1 Introduction 2 Classification 3 Nonmetric Methods 4 Statistical Pattern Recognition 5 Supervised Learning 6 Nonparametric Learning 7 Feature Extraction and Selection 8 Unsupervised Learning 9 Estimating and Comparing Classifiers 10 Projects
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《医学影像信息学概论》课程参考资源:Medical Imaging Informatics
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《医学影像信息学概论》课程参考资源:Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition(Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification, Second Edition)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.89MB 文档页数:180
1 Soft Computing Approach to Pattern Classification and Object Recognition 2 Pattern Classification Based on Conventional Interpretation of MFI 3 Pattern Classification Based on New Interpretation of MFI 4 Pattern Classification Based on New Interpretation of MFI and Floating Point Genetic Algorithm 5 Neuro-Genetic Approach to Pattern Classification Based on the New Interpretation of MFI 6 Knowledge-Based Occluded Object Recognition Based on New Interpretation of MFI and Floating Point Genetic Algorithm 7 Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Occluded Object Recognition Based on New Interpretation of MFI
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分类 一、目前分为40个种和亚种 二、根据溶血性能分为: α溶血性链球菌(草绿色链球菌) β溶血性链球菌
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