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1. Early studies on the peptide(protein) structure 1.1 The peptide(o=c-n-h) bond was found to be shorter than the C-N bond in a simple amine and atoms attached are coplanar. 1.1.1 This was revealed by X-ray diffraction studies of amino acids and of simple dipeptides and tripeptides
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1. Lipids encompass a large and diverse group of organic compounds 1.1 Lipids are broadly defined as biological molecules that are soluble in organic solvents. 1.1.1 Lipids are usually extracted from biological materials by nonpolar solvents like ether, chloroform(氯仿), benzene(苯). 1.2 The biological functions of lipids are diverse. 1.2.1 Certain lipids(e.g., triacylglycerols(三脂酰甘油), commonly called fats) serve as efficient reserves for the storage of energy
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1-1试以千卡/摩尔为单位,计算相应于以下各值的能 量:(a)240毫微米,(b)480毫微米,(c)6.1微米,(d12.2 微米,(e)1700厘米1,()3400厘米一和(g)34,000厘米-1 解:若以千卡/摩尔为单位,则能量可按如下简单公式计 算
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Operations used for the treatment of wastewater in which change is brought about by means of or through the application of physical forces are known as physical unit operations. Because physical unit operations were derived originally from observations of the physical world. they were the first treatment methods to be used. Today, physical unit operations, as shown on Fig. 5-1, are a major part of most wastewater
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1. Proteins are extremely versatile in function and crucial in virtually all biological processes. 1.1 Almost all chemical reactions occurring in living organisms are catalyzed by enzymes. 1.1.1 Many thousands of enzymes have been discovered, each catalyzing a different kind of chemical reaction
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10.2 随机误差的分布 10.3 滴定分析 10.3.1 酸碱反应及其平衡常数 3.1.1 酸碱反应 3.1.2 酸碱反应类型及平衡常数 3.1.3 活度与浓度 3.1.4 活度常数Ka、浓度常数 及混合常数 10.3.2 酸度对弱酸(碱)形体分布的影响 3.2.1 一元弱酸的摩尔分数 3.2.2 二元弱酸H2A的摩尔分数
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5.10.1水准标尺每米长度误差的改正 ◆∑f·∑h 5.10.2正常水准面不平行的改正 ◆=A·H(),为第i个测段
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正循环(热机循环) 特征 (1)P-V图中循环过程沿顺时D针方向进行。 (2)工质经一循环从高温热源吸热Q1(>0)在低温热源放热Q2(绝对值),对外输出净功A(>0)
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一、选择题 1、因电力紧张,从2004年12月24日起,沙洋城区将限电使用,具体办法由相关部门发文告之。这一内容的写作使用的文体应是() a通知b公告c通告d通报
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一、单项选择题 1.某股份制公司委托某证券公司代理发行普通股00000股,每股面值1元, 每股按1.1元的价格出售。按协议,证券公司从发行收入中收取3%的手续费, 从发行收入中扣除。则该公司计入资本公积的数额为()元。 A.6700 B.3000 C.110000 D.0
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