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Section A Face to Face with Guns Section B Should I Have a Gun? Section C A Bank Robbery
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Section A The Window Section B The Trashman Section C My Moveing Experience
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Section A A Busy Weekday Morning Section B Parent Talk Section C Teeange Talk
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Section A A Good Heart to Lean On Section B The Right Son at the Right Time Section C Love of Life
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Section A Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys toSuccessful Online Learning Section C Teacheing Children at Home
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中央财经大学:《大学思辨英语教程》教学资源(精读)语言与文化(说课)- 以 Unit 7 Cultural Stereotypes 为例(黄丹婵)
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Antibiotic drugs Among the hundreds of compounds produced by microorganisms that have inhibitory action on other microorganisms, only a relatively small number have a favorable therapeutic index. These are the clinically useful antibiotics. In the present discussion, particular attention will be paid to the potency, antibacterial spectrum
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How does it work? Ofloxacin belongs to a group of broad spectrum antibiotics called the quinolones. It works by entering the bacterial cell and inhibiting a chemical called DNA-gyrase which is involved in the production of genetic material (DNA). This therefore prevents the bacteria from reproducing
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Project of the unit Inspiring your thoughts Enhancing your skills Presenting your project
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