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1. 写出分子式为 C5H10O 的醛和酮的结构式,并用普通命名法和 IUPAC 命名法命名。 2. 分别指出苯乙醛和苯乙酮与下列试剂反应后的产物 (1)NaBH4 而后 H3O+;(2)Tollens 试剂;(3)C2H5MgBr 而后 H3O+;(4)2CH3OH/HCl(g) (5)NH2OH;(6)HCN/KCN;(7)H2NNH2
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1. 答:分子式为 C5H10O 的醛和酮的结构式及普通命名法和 IUPAC 命名法的命名为: 2. 答:苯乙醛和苯乙酮与各种试剂反应后的产物分别为:
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22.2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptylamine may also be named as a dimethyl derivative of cycloheptanamine. -N(CH3)2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptanamine 22.3 Three substituents are attached to the nitrogen atom; the amine is tertiary. In alphabetical order, the s substituents present on the aniline nucleus are ethyl, isopropyl, and methyl. Their positions are
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第一节 羧酸的分类和命名 第二节 羧酸的物理性质 第三节 羧酸的光谱特征 第四节 羧酸的结构和酸性 第五节 羧酸的制备 第六节 羧酸的反应 第七节 卤代酸的合成和反应 第八节 羟基酸的合成和反应
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 8.1 Identify the nucleophilic anion in each reactant. The nucleophilic anion replaces bromine as a sub- stituent on carbon. (b) Potassium ethoxide serves as a source of the nucleophilic anion CH,CH,. CH,CH,: CH, Br: CH3CH2OCH3 + Br: Ethoxide ion Methyl bromide Ethyl methyl ether Bromide ion
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4.1 There are four C. H, alkyl groups, and so there are four C. H, CI alkyl chlorides. Each may be named by both the functional class and substitutive methods. The functional class name uses the name of the alkyl group followed by the halide as a second word. The substitutive name modifies the name of the corresponding alkane to show the location of the halogen atom
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McGraw-Hill Higher Education A Division of The McGrawp-Hill Companies ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, FOURTH EDITION Copyright 2000, 1996, 1992, 1987 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieva
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The main menu choices may include the following: Textbook Table of Contents Start here to view chapters, main headings, or related study guide sections. To view chapter, click on chapter name. First page of chapter will appear. To view e-Text under main heading, click on chapter name, then heading name. The first page of that section will appear. To view study guide, click on heading in e-Text. Related study guide heading will appear. To return to e-Text, click on study guide heading. Textbook Website
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Section 1 Alkenes 烯烃的分类:单烯烃、二烯烃、多烯烃 Section 2 Alkynes 炔烃 二炔烃 单炔烃 多炔烃 Section 3 Dienes 二烯烃 聚集二烯烃 共轭二烯烃 隔离二烯烃 (不稳定) (有特殊性质) (类同烯烃)
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6.1 烯烃的结构和异构 Structure and Isomerism of Alkenes 6.2 烯烃的命名 Nomenclature of Alkenes 6.3 烯烃的制备 Preparation of Alkenes 6.4 烯烃的催化氢化及相对稳定性 catalytic hydrogenation and Relative Stability of Alkenes 6.5 烯烃亲电加成的反应 Electrophilic Addition Reactions 6.6 烯烃的自由基加成 Radical Addition of Alkenes 6.7 烯烃的氧化反应 Oxidation of Alkenes 6.8 硼氢化反应 Hydroboration of Alkenes 6.9 聚合反应 Polymerization 6.10 烯烃的α-H卤代反应 α-Halogenation 6.11 烯烃与卡宾加成反应 Addition of Carbenes
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