Recall from 6-2 that the derivative stability derivative terms zai, and Mi ended up on the lhs as modifications to the normal mass and Inertia terms displaced air is \entrained\and moves with the aircraf rounding These are the apparent mass effects- some of the sur Acceleration derivatives quantify this effect Significant for blimps, less so for aircraft e Main effect: rate of change of the normal velocity w causes a transient
Eugene F Fama. James D. Mac Beth The Journal of political Economy, Volume 81, Issue 3(May -Jun, 1973),607-636 Stable url: Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of jSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou
Adiabatic process In Fig. PⅤ: In reversible process the work A(ply done (below the line ab) is Blp: l: big than the work done (below the line ac)in adiabatic C(:'V,) reversible process