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抗精神病药 Antipsychotic Drugs、镇痛药 Analgesics、解热镇痛抗炎药 antipyretic-analgesic and antiinflammatory agents
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上海交通大学:《药理学 Pharmacology》课程教学资源(教案讲义)第三讲 第三章 受体理论与药效动力学
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安徽医科大学:《临床药理学 Clinical Pharmacology》课程教学资源(授课教案,英文版)Chapter One Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology
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安徽医科大学:《临床药理学 Clinical Pharmacology》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,英文版)老年人药物治疗 Drug therapy in the elderly
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⒈ 了解神经节(N1 受体)阻断药的作用及应用。 ⒉ 掌握两类肌松药作用的异同
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Rational medication in newborns Rational medication in infants Rational medication in children
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ADME factors Review of Basic Pharmacokinetic Parameters Mathematical Basis of Clinical Pharmacokinetics Applications of Clinical Pharmacokinetics Study questions • Factors affecting selection of the drug • Clinical Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development
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Clinical Pharmacogenetics Drug toxicity and adverse drug reactions Drug interactions Homework
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