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西安建筑科技大学外语系:《翻译理论与实践 Translation:thory and Practice》课程教学资源_汉译英课件三 Chapter 2 汉英思维方式和汉英语言的对比 2.3 汉英语言对比
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西安建筑科技大学外语系:《翻译理论与实践 Translation:thory and Practice》课程教学资源_汉译英课件二 Chapter 1 Introduction
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西安建筑科技大学外语系:《翻译理论与实践 Translation:thory and Practice》课程教学资源_高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲
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1. Listen and talk about the problem of drug abuse 2. Read about the disastrous effects of Ecstasy 3. Write about the risks of taking drugs or other harmful substance 4. Practice reading skills: text cohesive devices 5. Practice translating skills: translation of “it” 6. Learn and practice paragraph development by cause and effect 7. Learn to write a public warning message
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1. What are the gene expression stages that can be regulated? (10 points) Regulated stages in gene expression: (1) transcription initiation (the most important stage): RNAP binding of the promoter, transition from the closed complex to the open complex; promoter escape 4’ (2) stages after initiation (elongation and termination) 2’ (3) RNA processing (alternative splicing) in eukaryotes 2’ (4) translation 2’
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一、翻译(translation):mRNA分子中的遗传信息转变为蛋白质的氨基酸排列顺序 二、基因表达(Gene expression):转录与翻译 三、中心法则
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一. 气体分子自由度(degree of freedom) 如:He,Ne…可看作质点,只有平动。t —平动自由度(degree of freedom of translation)
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NAT(Network Address Translation)即网络地址转换,将局域网内的私有 IP 地址转换 成 Internet 上公有的 IP 地址,反之亦然。 代理服务是指:由一台拥有公有 IP 地址的主机,代替若干台没有公有 IP 地址的主机, 和 Internet 上的其他主机打交道,提供代理服务的这台机器称为代理服务器
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7.1 Introduction 7.2 Codon-anticodon recognition involves wobbling 7.3 tRNA contains modified bases that influence its pairing properties 7.4 (There are sporadic alterations of the universal code) 7.5 tRNAs are charged with amino acids by synthetases 7.6 Accuracy depends on proofreading 7.7 Suppressor tRNAs have mutated anticodons that read new codons 7.8 The accuracy of translation 7.9 tRNA may influence the reading frame
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• 第一章 报刊文章选段汉译 • 第二章 美国总统就职演说汉译 • 第三章 英国名家演说汉译 • 第四章 英美小说汉译 • 第五章 美国文学史选段汉译 • 第六章 国外翻译理论著作选段汉译
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