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Questions list for Bacteria IIB List as many as possible the enteric bacteria you have known. What diseases they may cause? 2 What Neisseria species causes sexual disease?
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The Purple Bacteria, also called Proteobacteria is the largest and most physiological diverse of all bacteria Beta purple bacteria Chemolithotrophs Chemoorganotrophs Chemoorganotrophs Gamma purple Alpha purple bacteria
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ingdom I: Proteobacteria Purple Phototrophic Bacteria The Nitrifying Bacteria Sulfur-and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria Methanotrophs and Methylotrophs Pseudomonas and Pseudomonads Acetic Acid Bacteria Free-Living Aerobic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Neisseria, Chromobacterium, and Relatives Enteric Bacteria
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Virus a noncellular genetic element that enlists a cell for its own replication, it has an extracellular state. A virus particle containing nucleic acid surrounded by protein and other macromolecular components is called virion
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微生物的六种营养要素 微生物的营养类型 营养物质进入细胞的方式 培养基
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一、熟悉常用微生物培养基名称; 二、掌握微生物的分离,接种技术; 三、用平板划线法和稀释法分离微生物; 四、认识微生物存在的普遍性
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一、熟悉常用微生物培养基名称; 二、掌握微生物的分离,接种技术; 三、用平板划线法和稀释法分离微生物; 五、认识微生物存在的普遍性
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一、材料:金黄色葡萄球菌或大肠杆菌菌液 (单菌落分离),枯草芽孢杆菌菌液(染色) 二、革兰氏染色试剂一套
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测定微生物生长繁殖的方法 微生物的生长规律 影响微生物生长的主要环境因素 微生物培养法概论 有害微生物的控制
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微生物在生态系统中的作用 生态环境中的微生物 人体微生物及病源微生物的传播 微生物与环境保护
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