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Ch. 3 Estimation 1 The Nature of statistical Inference It is argued that it is important to develop a mathematical model purporting to provide a generalized description of the data generating process. A prob bility model in the form of the parametric family of the density functions p=f(:0),0E e and its various ramifications formulated in last chapter
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改造积分定义的目的一是为了扩展可积范围,二是为了使得操作更方便。对 (R)积分而言,积分与极限交换顺序需要验证一个较为苛刻的条件:“fn(x)在E 上一致收敛于f(x)”,将“一致收敛”削弱为“处处收敛”甚至“几乎处处收 敛”是一种思路,在此介绍另一种削弱“一致收敛”条件的方法 从集合论的角度讲:“fn(x)在E上一致收敛于f(x)”是指0>0,No >0,当n>N时,E[|fn(x)-f(x)|≥0]=中,之所以我们认为“一致收敛” 条件苛刻,就在于它要求E[|fn(x)-f(x)≥0]从某项以后永远为空集
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参数估计的内容: 1、点估计(Point Estination):估计未知参数的值 2、区间估计(Interval Estimation):估计未知参数的估计值的精确性和可靠性 0=θ+△ 本章介绍统计学中的参数估计的一些基本概念和方法
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推导Ely=M(x);积分法的求解过程;边界条件的建立;光滑连续条件的确定;叠加 法
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第8章密钥管理习题 1.密钥管理为什么重要? 2.密钥的种类是如何区分的?有哪些分类标准? 3.对线性同余算法Xn+1= aXn mod24,问:a)该数列产生的最大周期是多少?
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第一节纯扭构件 5.1.1矩形截面纯扭构件的开裂扭矩 弹性材料(P92,5-5a):Tmax=2,(3.03≤≤4.79) 塑性材料:Tmaxyy2,(2.0≤y1≤3.0)
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he variable t is usually referred to as the\time Note the use of an integral form in the formal definition(2.2): it assumes that the function tHa(a(t), t)is integrable on T, but does not require =a(t)to be differentiable at any particular point, which turns out to be convenient for working with discontinuous
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2003年考研数学(四)真题评注 一、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题4分,满分2分把答案填在题中横线上) (1)极限lim[1+ln(1+x)]x=e2
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ARGOS Overview Angular Resolution at 2=550 nm: 5 arcsec Wavelength Regime 400-700 nm FOr (Field-of-Regard): 120(full cone)
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Channel Coding When transmitting over a noisy channel, some of the bits are received with errors Example: Binary Symmetric Channel (BSc) Pe= probability oferror Q: How can these errors be removed? A: Coding: the addition of redundant bits that help us determine what was sent with greater accuracy
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