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呼吸(respiration) 是机体在新陈代谢过程中,不断地 从外界摄取氧气,排出二氧化碳, 是机体与环境之间的气体交换过程
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护理管理 世界卫生组织给护理管理 做了如下定义:护理管理 是为了提高人们的健康水平 系统地利用护士的潜在能力 和有关其他人员或设备 环境和社会活动的过程
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流派,这里是指室内设计的艺术派别。现代室内设计从所表现的艺术特点分析,也有多种流派, 主要有:高技派、光亮派、白色派、新洛可可派、超现实派、解构主义派以及装饰艺术派等。 高技派或称重技派 高技派或称重技派,突出当代工业技术成就并在建筑形体和室内环境设计中加以炫耀,崇尚“机 械美”,在室内暴露梁板、网架等结构构件以及风管、线缆等各种设备和管道,强调工艺技术与 时代感
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中国传统文化在一个半封闭的北温带大陆得以滋生发展,其物质生产方式的 主体是农业自然经济,社会组织以宗法制度和专制政体为基本形态,而周边则为 后进民族所环绕。这样一种特定的生态环境,使中国文化形成富于特色的性格 对中国文化特征进行探讨的学者,较早者当属现代思想家、现代新儒家著名 代表人物梁漱溟先生
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一、管理是通过计划、组织、领导和控制等环节来协调人力、物力、财力等资源,以期有效地达到组织目标的过程。 二、自从有了人类的集体劳动,人类的历史就照耀着管理的思想火光。 三、当今世界是管理致胜、战略致胜的时代。学习和掌握管理尤为重要
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1、了解教会文化的主要内容; 2、了解骑士制度的形成; 3、掌握中世纪欧洲文化生长的环境; 4、掌握骑士爱情观的特点; 5、掌握欧洲城市形成的种类与特点; 6、掌握拜占廷文化的特色
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5.1 触觉信息的处理 5.2 基本的图象处理方法 5.3 2维图象的处理 5.4 3维图象的处理
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Solid wastes comprise all the wastes arising from human and animal activities that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or unwanted. The term solid waste as used in this text is all-inclusive, encompassing the heterogeneous mass of throwaways from the urban community as well as the more homogeneous accumulation of agricultural, industrial, and mineral wastes. This book is focused on the urban setting, where the accumulation of solid wastes is a direct consequence of life
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The control of particulates and VOCs is mostly accomplished by physical processes (cyclones, ESPs, filters, leakage control, vapor capture, condensation) that do not involve changing the chemical nature of the pollutant. Some particles and VOCs are chemically changed into harmless materials by combustion. This chapter and the next concern pollutants--sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides that cannot be economically collected by physical means nor rendered harmless by combustion. Their control is largely chemical rather than physical. For this reason, these two chapters are more chemically oriented than the rest of the book
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The safe and reliable long-term disposal of solid waste residues is an important component of integrated waste management. Solid waste residues are waste components that are not recycled, that remain after processing at a materials recovery facility, or that remain after the recovery of conversion products and/or energy. Historically, solid waste has been placed in the soil in the earth's surface or deposited in the oceans. Although ocean dumping of municipal solid waste was officially abandoned in the United States in 1933, it is now argued that many of the wastes now placed in landfills or on land could be used
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