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biologically active model of ECM acts as an insoluble regulator of cell function image removed due to copyright considerations
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2.4.1 Cell Activities \Packaged\ sequences (cascades) of cell activities/functions with an identifiable beginning and an end Mitosis(Proliferation) Mitosis is a complex of processes leading to the division of a cell such that the two daughter nuclei receive identical complements of the number of chromosomes characteristic of the cells of the species. All cells arise from the division of pre-existing cells. The process of mitosis is divided into four phases:
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Outline of three lectures on Irreversible Healing of Extracellular Matrix. A. Irreversible healing of ECMs in different organs. B. Structure and function of naturally occurring ECMs. C. Synthesis of biologically active ECM models
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Introduction. Chapter 1. Irreversible Healing of Extracellular Matrix. Chapter 2. Cell-Matrix Interactions. Chapter 3. Synthesis of Tissues and Organs. TEXT: I. V. Yannas. Tissue and Organ Regeneration in Adults. New York: Springer, 2001
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TISSUE Tissue is a biological structure made up of cells of the same type. - Cells of the same phenotype(e., same genes expressed). An aggregation of morphologically similar cells and associated extracellular matrix acting together to perform one or more specific functions in the body. - There are four basic types of tissue: muscle, nerve, epithelia, and connective. An organ is a structure made up of or more tissues
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皮肤感染真菌(浅部真菌) 皮下组织感染真菌 深部感染真菌
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肝硬变 (liver cirrhosis) 概念: 肝硬变:多种原因引起肝细胞广泛 变性、坏死,肝细胞结节 状再生及纤维组织增生, 三者反复交替,导致肝结 构改建、变硬变形
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在科技出版物的创作中,参考文献的组织是一个不可缺少的标准过程。 我们已经在4.3.6节和8.3.2节中讲解了如何利用 thebibliography环境来排 版参考文献,以及如何在正文中引用其中的条目。有时候作者会发现在绝大 多数文章中他经常引用的是同样作品。与此类似,在同一个领域工作的研究 人员参考的论文也大致相同。这也就是说在不同文档的 thebibliography环 境中经常有大量重复的条目,在一个研究所中的同事与同事之间处理的文档 里也有类似的情形
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在一个TEX文件导言中的第一条命令通常用来确定整篇文档的全局处 理格式。该条命令的语法是:
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第一节生产运作管理概述 第二节生产过程组织 第三节生产计划与控制 第四节现代生产管理的发展
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