The lithographic Process a BasIc process Definitions Fundamentals of Exposure Exposure Systems Resists Advanced Lithography Recommended reading Plummer, chapter 5
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Expressions of concentration 4.3 Partial molar properties 4.4 Two empirical laws in dilute liquid solutions 4.5 Chemical potential of each component in gaseous mixtures 4.6 Liquid mixtures
Sequential Linear Programming Penalty and Barrier Methods Sequential Quadratic Programming Mixed Integer Programming C Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Prof de Weck and Prof Willcox Engineering Systems Division and Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics
More on Fitness Function Assignment Mutation Constraint implementation in Gas Multiobjective optimization with Gas Tabu search Selection of Optimization algorithms o Massachusetts Institute of Technology -Prof de Weck and Prof Willcox Engineering Systems Division and Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Outline Model-based programming The need for model-based reactive planning The Burton model-based reactive planner Artificial Intelligence Space Systems