物理化学电子教案第四章 Solid Ga aneous Liquid solutions solutions solutions p+/l 豁}8 两边水的化学势相等 图4.10渗透压 Solutions of Solutions of electrolytes non-electrolytes 4上一内容下一内容◇回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 物理化学电子教案—第四章 Gaseous solutions Solid solutions Liquid solutions Solutions of non-electrolytes Solutions of electrolytes
Chapter 4 Multi-component Systems 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Expressions of concentration 4.3 Partial molar properties 4.4 Two empirical laws in dilute liquid solutions 4.5 Chemical potential of each component In gaseous mixtures 4.6 Liquid mixtures 4上一内容下一内容◇回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 Chapter 4 Multi-component Systems 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Expressions of concentration 4.3 Partial molar properties 4.4 Two empirical laws in dilute liquid solutions 4.5 Chemical potential of each component in gaseous mixtures 4.6 Liquid mixtures
Contents 4.7 Chemical potential of each component in dilute liquid solutions 4.8 Colligative properties in dilute liqui solutions 4.9 Gibbs-Duhem relations 4. 10 Non-ideal liquid solutions 4.11 Distribution law 4上一内容下一内容◇回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 Contents 4.11 Distribution law 4.10 Non-ideal liquid solutions 4.9 Gibbs-Duhem relations 4.8 Colligative properties in dilute liquid solutions 4.7 Chemical potential of each component in dilute liquid solutions
4.1 Introduction Solutions can be gaseous, liquid, or solid, but we will be concerned in this chapter primaril with liquid It is sometimes convenient to designate as solvent that component that is present in highest concentration The remaining components are then called solutes 4上一内容下一内容令回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 4.1 Introduction Solutions can be gaseous, liquid, or solid, but we will be concerned in this chapter primarily with liquid. It is sometimes convenient to designate as solvent that component that is present in highest concentration. The remaining components are then called solutes
Expressions of concentration 1, mole fraction x def B B B n(总 We have used mole fraction most often as a composition measure. When it is convenient to designate one component as a solvent, it may also be convenient to express the composition with respect to each solute as a ratio relative to the amount of solvent 4上一内容下一内容令回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 Expressions of concentration 1, mole fraction B x B B def ( n x n 总) We have used mole fraction most often as a composition measure.When it is convenient to designate one component as a solvent, it may also be convenient to express the composition with respect to each solute as a ratio relative to the amount of solvent
4.2 Expressions of concentration 2. molality mB def n B B The molality mB of a solute B is defined as the amount of substance of solute per unit mass of solvent The relationship between the mole fraction and the molality can be obtained from the definition of mole fraction 4上一内容下一内容令回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 4.2 Expressions of concentration 2. molality mB B B A def n m m The molality mB of a solute B is defined as the amount of substance of solute per unit mass of solvent. The relationship between the mole fraction and the molality can be obtained from the definition of mole fraction
4.2 Expressions of concentration 3. molarity cB, or concentration of B def B amount-of-substance B where v is the volume of the solution, usually in cubic decimeters 4上一内容下一内容◇回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 4.2 Expressions of concentration 3. molarity cB , or concentration of B B def B n c V amount - of - substance where V is the volume of the solution, usually in cubic decimeters
4.2 Expressions of concentration B mass fraction of B B B The ratio of mass of solute to the total mass of solute and solvent 4上一内容下一内容◇回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 4.2 Expressions of concentration 4. wB mass fraction of B ( ) B B m 总 m w = The ratio of mass of solute to the total mass of solute and solvent
The important relations Z=ZO, w) w=w(x, y) aZ OZ dz=( a%dx+()ch;=(如)+() aZ OZ、,Ow Ow (=)dx+(-)n[(x),dx+()dy dx X OZ OZ、Ow OZ、Ow )u dx+o ),Cx+()2()dy OX 4上一内容下一内容令回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 The important relations Z = Z(x,W ) W =W (x, y) dw w Z dx x Z dZ w x ( ) ( ) + = dy y w dx x w dw y x ( ) ( ) + = ( ) ( ) [( ) ( ) dy] y w dx x w w Z dx x Z w w y x + + = dy y w w Z dx x w w Z dx x Z w x y x x ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) + + = ;
The chain relation z=Z(x,y)dz=(0),a+(0)y OX By comparing with the coefficients of dx and dy in two dzs egs gives aZ OZ、O1w O OZ OZ OZ、O1w OX 4上一内容下一内容◇回主目录 返回 2021/2/22
上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/22 The chain relation Z = Z(x, y) dy y Z dx x Z dZ y x ( ) ( ) + = By comparing with the coefficients of dx and dy in two dZ’s eqs gives: x x x y w w Z y Z ( ) ( ) ( ) = y w x y x w w Z x Z x Z ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) + =