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1997年在职研究生作文 Part Writing(30 minutes,15 points) Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on The problem s I have in my English study. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in Chinese. Outline:①遇到哪些困难 ②产生原因 ③如何克服 The problems I have in my English study During my study of English, meet with some problems
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As can be seen from the carton nowadays many people follow the hen and swarm into the tide of promise-makir But we may observe that some of the promises are nothing but duties these peo ple should fulfill, just like the most com- mon egg
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the country, educational facilities, medi owadays there is often a lack of ur d services and transportation systems are derstanding between parent and child still not fully developed. And the city also complain about their childrens \unreasonable\behavior, whil air pollution, great noise and poor housing children usually think their parents too
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disease, you should have it timely The desire for good health is univer As for me, I have always been taking sal. Especially nowadays, the possession care to have proper sleep and relaxation. of good health is regarded by nearly every have also been alert to any discomfort in one as essential to a happy life as well as a body. In my spare time I like run
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1、本卷的第一部分至第四部分的答案做在答题卡上。请必用铅笔按要求涂卡。. What oes Laura's' mother think of Laura? 2、本卷的第五部分(作文)写在答题纸(最后一页)上 A. Laura really needs a full-time job
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friends. Whatever the comment, true As a human being, one can hardly do friendship must be firmly based on trust without a friend. As the old saying goes ng. If a friendsh no man is an island In other words, no stand the test of a difficult experience and one can survive without the help and if one feels confident that, no matter friendship of others. And every sign
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林则徐(1785—1850),字元抚,又字少穆、石麟,晚号竢村老人、七 十二峰退叟等,福建侯官(今福州市)人,生于清乾隆五十年七月二十六日 (1785 年 8 月 30 日)。父林宾日,是位穷秀才,一生以教读为业;母陈帙, 刻苦持家,平日制作手工艺品换取微薄的收入以补助家用。在父亲的谆谆教 导下,林则徐从 4 岁起开始读书,7 岁学作文,13 岁获府试第一,14 岁便考 取秀才
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