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重庆工商大学:《计量经济学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第四章 最小二乘练习续
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如何进入 EViews 1、开始 2、程序 3、 Econometrics 4、 EViews
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1.期望值或均值(共计 1 个公式) (1.1) 期望值(一阶原点矩) ∑=
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Ch. 9 Heteroscedasticity Regression disturbances whose variance are not constant across observations are heteroscedastic. In the heteroscedastic model we assume that
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3.1 Sampling distribution of OLS estimator 3.2 The t Test 3.3 Confidence Intervals 3.4 Testing a single Linear Combination 3.5 Testing Multiple Linear Restrictions 3.6 About multicollinearity 3.7 Interpreting and Reporting regression results
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2.1 Motivation for multiple regression 2.2 Mechanics and interpretation of OLS 2.3 Unbiasedness of OLS estimator 2.4 Variance of the OLS Estimators 2.5 Efficiency of OLS: Gauss-Markov theorem
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上海交通大学:《计量经济学》教学资源_教学资料_Econometrics Introduction
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