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Defining the Field-what do you think that economics is? (1) Subject Matter Based Definitions (2)UItra-pragmatic definitions( what economists do) (3)Methodology Based Definitions This much is certain a. Economics pretty much includes all topics related to human society
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The Data of macroeconomics It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to fit facts. Sherlock holmes Scientists, economists, and detectives have much in common: they all want to figure out what's going on in the world around them. To do this, they rely on both theory and observation. They build theories in an attempt to make sense of what they see happening. They then turn to more systematic observation to eval- uate the theories validity. Only when theory and evidence come into line do they feel they understand the situation
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A、日照阳光生态市建设总论 生态市建设的目的、意义及规划编制依据 生态市建设的机遇与挑战 生态市的内涵及指标体系 生态市的战略定位、总目标及建设框架 B、日照阳光生态市建设规划 人口及社会生态建设规划 资源及产业生态建设规划 环境及景观生态建设规划 能力建设与规划实施保障措施 典型示范工程及优先发展项目
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1目的要求 (1)测量氢在光亮铂电极上的活化超电势,求得塔菲尔公式中的两个常数a、b (2)了解超电势的种类和影响超电势的因素。 (3)掌握测量不可逆电极电势的实验方法
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一、动力计算的特点和内容 1、静力荷载: (只研究静力平衡位置外载对结构的影响) 动力荷载:大小、方向、作用点一>内力随时间 发生变化,加速度较大一>惯性力 例:偏心质量的回转机器一>振动 2、动力荷载一>静力荷载、a很小、F与原P相比忽略不计 动力平衡:达朗伯原理惯性力、外载、内力(位移) (考虑取时间作自变量)
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22.2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptylamine may also be named as a dimethyl derivative of cycloheptanamine. -N(CH3)2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptanamine 22.3 Three substituents are attached to the nitrogen atom; the amine is tertiary. In alphabetical order, the s substituents present on the aniline nucleus are ethyl, isopropyl, and methyl. Their positions are
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一.2mol乙醇在正常沸点(78.4℃)下,变为蒸汽,其摩尔汽化焓为41.50kJ mol 1,乙醇蒸汽可视为理想气体。 (1)试求该相变过程的Q,W,△U,△S,△A,△G。 (2)若乙醇摩尔汽化焓可认为与温度无关时那么50℃时乙醇的饱和蒸汽压应为多 少?
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一、选择题(请选择正确答案的英文字母代码,每题至少有一个正确答案13分) ()1.已知0.10mol.l-1fec3溶液的hJ1.6,与Fe(H20)63+的酸电离常数据最接近的数据是: A.5×10-2B.7×10-3C.5×10-4.8×10-4
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一、常量在程序运行中其值不能改变的量 二、常量的类型: 三、整型常量:如12,0,-4 四、实型常量:如2.3,-12.6 五、字符常量:如‘a,‘b’,℃
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We define the unit impulse as a function of time which is zero when its argument, generally (t-o), is less than zero; which is also zero when argument is greater than zero; which is infinite when its argument is zero; and which has unit area
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