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北京大学:《集成电路原理与设计 Principle of Integrated Circuits》课程电子教案(数字集成电路原理与设计)chap5-2 第五章 数字集成电路基本模块 5.2 加法器
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吉林大学:《预防医学》课程电子教案(PPT课件)第十章 数值变量资料的统计分析(电子计算器统计功能的使用方法)
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北京大学:《集成电路原理与设计 Principle of Integrated Circuits》课程电子教案(数字集成电路原理与设计)chap5-1 第五章 数字集成电路基本模块 5.1 组合逻辑电路
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The Ideal Op Amp- Practical Op Amps- SPICE Computer Models John V.Wait University of Arizona (Retired) 27.2 Applications Noninverting Circuits 27.1 Ideal and Practical Models
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26.1Introduction 26.2 Definition and Considerations Considerations in the Implementation of SMT 26.3 SMT Design, Assembly, and Test Overview
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25.1 Integrated Circuit Technology Technology Perspectives. Technology Generations.National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Joe E.Brewer 25.2 Layout, Placement, and Routing Northrop Grumman Corporation What Is Layout?. Floorplanning Techniques.Placement
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文档格式:PPT 文档大小:168KB 文档页数:5
吉林大学:《电子电路技术》课程电子教案(PPT教学课件)第七章 集成运算放大器
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