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1、在条件下,曲柄滑块机构具有急回特性。 2、平面连杆机构是由许多刚性构件用 联接而形成的机构
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第一章绪论 1、机械原理课程是一门什么性质的课程? 2、什么是机械 3、什么是机器 4、什么是机构? 5、机器和机构的异同点有哪些?
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4-1、传统上欧洲主要国家航运政策的基本手段的内容(列表说明) 4-2、传统上欧洲主要国家航运政策的主要特征(列表说明) 4-3、传统上欧洲主要国家航运政策有哪些创新以及对我们的启示
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3-1、传统上美国的海运政策手段有那些?有何主要特征? 3-2、请对1998年美国航运法改革的背景、内涵与特征作一次动态考察
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Question 1 A)Yes. The sale of the machine is part of the project initiative. Therefore, the proceeds from the sale of the equipment should be counted. )No. The R&D expenditure is a sunk cost that should not be included in the project evaluation
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problem you will study how to represent various concepts and quantify various relations with membership functions. For each part below, there is more than one correct answer. Provide one of these and justify your choice in each case. (a)Draw a membership function (and hence define a fuzzy set) that quantifies the set of all people of medium height
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