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3.1 What is learning? Are they instances of learning? (1) A young child takes his first steps. (2) An adolescent male feels a strong attraction to certain females. (3) A child feels anxious when he sees the doctor coming with a needle. (4) Long after learning how to multiply, a girl realizes on her own that another way to multiply by 5 is to divided by 2 and multiply by 10(e.g. 428×5 can by figured as follows:428/2=214 ×10=2140)
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Constructivism are based on the idea that, unlike a computer disk or an empty container, students do not wait passively to be filled up with knowledge. Rather, students actively build, or construct, their own knowledge.Teachers cannot entirely control their students’ learning, expert teachers can do much to facilitate students’ own active learning processes
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7.1 concept learning 7.1.1 concept A concept is a category under which specific elements may be grouped.e.g. a red ball, a red pencil, and a red chair are all instances of the simple concept “red”. An “even number” is defined as any integer(整数) that is divisible by two without a remainder, and that an “odd number” is one that is not evenly(均匀地) divisible by two
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1.学习需要分析的具体内容 (解决“为什么教”的问题) (1)了解教学中存在的问题 (2)分析学生的实际情况与期望水平之间的差距 (3)分析并确定总的教学目标 2经系统调研形成总的设计目标
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1.大学生活的特点 2.适应新环境的阶段特征 3.不适应现象的表现 4.顺利实现转变的基本要求 5.成才目标及设立原则要求 6.确立成才目标的误区 7.当代人才的基本特征 8.认清自己的历史使命
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一、学习目标 1、识记概念:课程研制、课程研制模式课程研制过程、泰勒原理。 2、理解课程研制的特点和实质,形成清晰的课程研制的基本概念。 3、掌握课程研制过程基本程式及其结构,初步形成开展课程研制的意识和能力
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要求学生了解化学课程的基本理念,结合对生活经验和社会需求的了 解,理解并掌握中学化学课程的结构和内容标准:理解教材单元内容设计和栏目设计的基本 思路及相关问题
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要求学生了解化学教学设计的基本原理和基本要求,掌握进行化学教 学设计的层次和环节,能够综合运用化学教学方法和化学教学媒体进行化学教学设计。 教学重点:化学教学设计的基本原理、原则和环节化学教学方法
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第一节 中华民族的爱国主义传统 第二节 新时期的爱国主义 第三节 做忠诚的爱国者
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要求学生理解化学实验、化学实验教学与化学教学之间的区别与联系, 掌握化学实验的基本理论,化学实验的构成及过程,学会进行初步的化学实验教学和化学实 验教学研究
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