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5.2 Operation Safety regulations In all centrifugal separators the bowl rotates at a very high speed, normally between 100 and l50 revolutions per second. Thus, very great forces are released and it is essential, therefore, to follow strictly the directions given in the Instruction Book concerning assembly of parts, starting, stopping and overhaul
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3.3 Batch and continuous lubricating systems For small or medium units without a circulatory lubricating system, the oil is often treated on the batch system. As large a quantity of oil as possible is drained from the engine at intervals and run into a heating tank, the system being replenished with clean oil at the same time
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Learning Objectives The learning objectives of this section are to make all engineers, engine cadets and other crew members who are involved in the handling of fuels onboard, familiar with: – How to handle the fuel. – Take the necessary simple precautions by following test procedures
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A fire and bilge pump has suctions from sea, bilge main and engine room bilge, with discharges to fire main, oily water separator and overboard. A ballast pump has suctions from sea, ballast main, engine room , bilge direct and bilge main with discharges to overboard, the ballast main, the oily water separator and possibly, the main salt water circulating system
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In motorships there are two main circuits, one salt , one fresh. The salt circuit is: sea inlet box (seachest) - pump(s) - f.w. coolers in series (first LT then HT) – turbo blower aftercoolers in parallel (if any) – provision condenser in parallel (if any) - overboard
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在铁路建设、水利工程、 采矿工程以及其它土石方工 程中,爆破是目前应用最为 广泛、最为有效的一种破岩 手段。为了优化爆破参数, 必须了解岩石在爆破作用下 的破碎机理、装药量的计算 原理以及各种相关因素对爆 破效果的影响
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工业炸药( Industrial explosive) 又称民用炸药( commercial explosive),是以氧化剂和可燃剂为 不在一起 主体,按照氧平衡原理构成的爆炸 岩石铵梯油炸药 南, 国云南包装 性混合物。工业炸药在铁路、公路 建设及煤矿、冶金、石油、地质、 水电、建筑等方面得到了广泛的应 云南包装厂生产 用
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课的内容:游泳运动基础知识,游泳与运动健身价值及游泳运动发展动态 课的任务:比较全面了解游泳运动基本知识、掌握竞技游泳、实用游泳的基本知识
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介绍排球运动竞赛规则、组织竞赛及裁判法。 课的任务:通过讲解排球竞赛规则及其规则的演变排球裁判法及手势,提高学生的欣赏水 平。 介绍体育英语单词: abnormal substitution非正常换人、 ace spiker最佳的扣球手、 action of blocking拦网动作、 action of giving缓冲动作
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一、仕履和交游 汤显祖(1550-1616),字义仍,号海若,又 号若士,别署清远道人,晚年自号茧翁,江西 临川人。他十四岁补诸生,二十一岁中举。自 幼即有文名,为人正直,一生不肯依附权贵。 万历五年(1577)参加会试,权相张居正想使 其次子嗣修高中,网罗海内名士以张声势,令 嗣修结纳汤显祖及其同乡沈懋学。汤显祖拒绝, 落第而归。沈懋学受拉拢,得中状元,张嗣修 为榜眼。万历八年,张居正之三子懋修又来结 纳,仍遭拒绝,这一科依然未中,而张懋修却 中了状元
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