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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p3 14
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一、天然水资源 1.地球上水的总量—14亿KM3
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在前面一章中我们介绍了线架模型的绘制方法,在本章中将要介绍表面模 型和实体模型的绘制方法。表面模型用面描述三维对象,它不仅定义了三维对 象的边界,而且还定义了表面即具有面的特征。实体模型不仅具有线和面的特 征,而且还具有体的特征,各实体对象间可以进行各种布尔运算操作,从而创 建复杂的三维实体图形
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p 14
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(一)天然水资源 1.地球上水的总量——14亿KM3
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一、奈奎斯特稳定判据 二、 下对数稳定判据和稳定裕度 三、控制系统的校正
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Outline Segmented Reporting and Responsibility Accounting System Cost- Volume-Profit- Analysis Budgeting and Budgetary Control Standard Costs and Variance Analysis Managerial Decision Making Task Team of
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L. True and False Questions Decision making is a distinct management activity that should be separated from budgeting, directing, and controlling activities. (F) 2. The concept of the relevant range does not apply to fixed costs. (F) 3. A cost formula may not be valid outside the relevant range of activity ( T) 4. The high-low method is generally less accurate than the least-squares regression method for
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Groups. Teams and Effectiveness oGroup: two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish a goal. oTeam: group who work intensively with each other to achieve a specific common goal All teams are groups, BUT, not all groups are teams. o Teams often are difficult to form I Takes time for members to work together. Teams can improve organizational performance Irwin/McGraw-Hill
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一、目的要求: 掌握无意识研究的实验范型。 二、讲授内容: (一)意识的概念 (二)对意识问题的实验研究 (三)意识和无意识过程之间的关系
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